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Oct 29, 2009

Credit Acceptance Announces Third Quarter 2009 Earnings

SOUTHFIELD, Mich., Oct 29, 2009 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX News Network) -- Credit Acceptance Corporation (Nasdaq:CACC) (referred to as the "Company," "we," "our," or "us") announced consolidated net income of $40.7 million, or $1.29 per diluted share, for the three months ended September 30, 2009 compared to consolidated net income of $20.7 million, or $0.67 per diluted share, for the same period in 2008. For the nine months ended September 30, 2009, consolidated net income was $105.9 million, or $3.38 per diluted share, compared to consolidated net income of $48.6 million, or $1.57 per diluted share, for the same period in 2008.

Adjusted net income, a non-GAAP financial measure, for the three months ended September 30, 2009 was $34.7 million, or $1.10 per diluted share, compared to $22.3 million, or $0.72 per diluted share, for the same period in 2008. For the nine months ended September 30, 2009, adjusted net income was $89.5 million, or $2.85 per diluted share, compared to adjusted net income of $59.2 million, or $1.91 per diluted share, for the same period in 2008.

Refer to our Form 10-Q, filed today with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which will appear on our website at, for a complete discussion of the results of operations and financial data for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2009.

 Consumer Loan Performance

At the time of consumer loan acceptance or purchase, we forecast future expected cash flows from the consumer loan. Based on these forecasts, an advance or one time payment is made to the related dealer-partner at a level designed to achieve an acceptable return on capital. If consumer loan performance equals or exceeds our original expectation, it is likely our target return on capital will be achieved.

We use a statistical model to estimate the expected collection rate for each consumer loan at inception. We continue to evaluate the expected collection rate of each consumer loan subsequent to inception. Our evaluation becomes more accurate as the consumer loans age, as we use actual performance data in our forecast. By comparing our current expected collection rate for each consumer loan with the rate we projected at the time of assignment, we are able to assess the accuracy of our initial forecast. The following table compares our forecast of consumer loan collection rates as of September 30, 2009, with the forecasts as of June 30, 2009, as of December 31, 2008 and at the time of assignment, segmented by year of assignment:

                      Forecasted Collection Percentage as of
   Assignment     September 30,    June 30,   December 31,   Initial
      Year            2009           2009        2008        Forecast
   ----------     -------------    --------   ------------   --------
     2000                 72.6%      72.6%        72.5%        72.8%
     2001                 67.4%      67.4%        67.4%        70.4%
     2002                 70.4%      70.5%        70.4%        67.9%
     2003                 73.7%      73.8%        73.8%        72.0%
     2004                 73.1%      73.3%        73.4%        73.0%
     2005                 73.9%      74.0%        74.1%        74.0%
     2006                 70.5%      70.5%        70.3%        71.4%
     2007                 68.4%      68.3%        67.9%        70.7%
     2008                 69.0%      68.4%        67.9%        69.7%
     2009 (1)             73.9%      72.3%          --         71.1%

                   Variance in Forecasted Collection Percentage from
   Assignment     June 30,          December 31,              Initial
      Year          2009                2008                 Forecast
   ----------     --------          ------------             --------
     2000           0.0%                0.1%                   -0.2%
     2001           0.0%                0.0%                   -3.0%
     2002          -0.1%                0.0%                    2.5%
     2003          -0.1%               -0.1%                    1.7%
     2004          -0.2%               -0.3%                    0.1%
     2005          -0.1%               -0.2%                   -0.1%
     2006           0.0%                0.2%                   -0.9%
     2007           0.1%                0.5%                   -2.3%
     2008           0.6%                1.1%                   -0.7%
     2009 (1)       1.6%                 --                     2.8%

 1)  The forecasted collection rate for 2009 consumer loans as of
     September 30, 2009 includes both consumer loans that were in our
     portfolio as of June 30, 2009 and consumer loans received during
     the most recent quarter. The following table provides forecasted
     collection rates for each of these segments:

                                      Forecasted Collection
                                        Percentage as of
                                      Sept. 30,    June 30,
 2009 Consumer Loan Assignment Period   2009         2009    Variance
 ------------------------------------ ---------   ---------  ---------
 January 1, 2009 through
  June 30, 2009                           74.6%       72.3%       2.3%
 July 1, 2009 through
  September 30, 2009                      72.2%         --         --

Consumer loan performance for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2009 exceeded our forecasts at June 30, 2009 and December 31, 2008. As a general rule, for GAAP results, improvements in forecasted collection rates are recorded over time as yield adjustments. However, when forecasted collection rates improve on previously impaired loan pools, the improvement is recorded as a reversal of previously recorded loan loss provisions. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2009, forecasted collection rates increased and a portion of this increase was recorded as a reversal of previously recorded loan provisions. This reversal positively impacted 2009 GAAP results and is primarily what caused GAAP net income to exceed adjusted net income for the first nine months of 2009.

As a result of current economic conditions and uncertainty about future conditions, we continue to be cautious about our forecasts of future collection rates. However, we believe our current estimates are reasonable for the following reasons:

 * Our forecasts start with the assumption that consumer loans
   in our current portfolio will perform like historical
   consumer loans with similar attributes.
 * During 2008, we reduced our forecasts on consumer loans
   assigned in 2006 through 2008 as these consumer loans began
   to perform worse than expected. Additionally, we adjusted
   our estimated timing of future net cash flows to reflect
   recent trends relating to consumer loan prepayments.
 * During 2008, and during the first quarter of 2009, we
   reduced the expected collection rate on new consumer loan
   assignments. The reductions reflected both the experience to
   date on 2006 through 2008 consumer loans as well as an
   expectation that the external environment was likely to
   negatively impact consumer loan performance.
 * Our current forecasting methodology, when applied against
   historical data, produces a consistent forecasted collection
   rate as the consumer loans age.

Although current economic uncertainty increases the risk of poor consumer loan performance, we set prices at consumer loan inception to increase the likelihood of achieving an acceptable return on capital, even if collection results are worse than we currently forecast.

The following table presents forecasted consumer loan collection rates, advance rates (includes amounts paid to acquire purchased loans), the spread (the forecasted collection rate less the advance rate), and the percentage of the forecasted collections that had been realized as of September 30, 2009. Payments of dealer holdback and accelerated payments of dealer holdback are not included in the advance percentage paid to the dealer-partner. All amounts are presented as a percentage of the initial balance of the consumer loan (principal + interest). The table includes both dealer loans and purchased loans.

                              As of September 30, 2009

 Loan Assignment     Forecasted                          % of Forecast
      Year           Collection   Advance %   Spread %      Realized
 ---------------     ----------   ---------   --------   -------------
      2000              72.6%       47.9%       24.7%        99.5%
      2001              67.4%       46.0%       21.4%        99.2%
      2002              70.4%       42.2%       28.2%        98.8%
      2003              73.7%       43.4%       30.3%        98.6%
      2004              73.1%       44.0%       29.1%        98.1%
      2005              73.9%       46.9%       27.0%        97.3%
      2006              70.5%       46.6%       23.9%        91.1%
      2007              68.4%       46.5%       21.9%        72.7%
      2008              69.0%       44.6%       24.4%        47.2%
      2009              73.9%       43.7%       30.2%        16.3%

The following table presents forecasted consumer loan collection rates, advance rates (includes amounts paid to acquire purchased loans), and the spread (the forecasted collection rate less the advance rate) as of September 30, 2009 for purchased loans and dealer loans separately:

                  Loan Assignment    Forecasted
                        Year        Collection %  Advance %   Spread %
                  ---------------   ------------  ---------   --------
 Purchased loans        2007            68.5%       48.8%      19.7%
                        2008            68.0%       46.6%      21.4%
                        2009            73.8%       45.8%      28.0%

 Dealer loans           2007            68.4%       45.9%      22.5%
                        2008            69.7%       43.5%      26.2%
                        2009            73.9%       43.2%      30.7%

Although the advance rate on purchased loans is higher as compared to the advance rate on dealer loans, purchased loans do not require the Company to pay dealer holdback. The increase in the spread between the forecasted collection rate and the advance rate during 2008 and 2009 occurred as a result of pricing changes implemented during the first nine months of 2008 and improving forecasted collection rates during the first nine months of 2009.

 Access to Capital

During the third quarter of 2009, the maturity of the $325.0 million revolving secured warehouse facility was extended. The agreement was modified to provide that in the event that the facility is not renewed after the revolving period ends on August 23, 2010, and the borrower is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreement, the facility will amortize for a twelve month period ending August 23, 2011. During this time, the outstanding debt will be paid down through the collections on the contributed assets. At the end of the twelve month period, the balance of the facility will be due and payable. Additionally, the interest rate on borrowings under the facility was increased from the commercial paper rate plus 100 basis points to the commercial paper rate plus 500 basis points.

During the third quarter of 2009, the amount of the $50.0 million revolving secured warehouse facility was increased to $75.0 million. In addition, the expiration of the revolving period on the facility was extended from May 23, 2010 to August 31, 2011 and the maturity of the facility was extended from May 23, 2011 to August 31, 2012. Finally, the interest rate on the facility was increased from a floating rate equal to LIBOR plus 177.5 basis points to LIBOR plus 375.0 basis points. There were no other material changes to the terms of the facility.

 Consumer Loan Volume

Our ability to maintain and grow consumer loan volume is impacted by our pricing strategy, the number of dealer-partners actively participating in our programs, and the competitive environment. The following table summarizes changes in consumer loan dollar and unit volume in each of the last seven quarters as compared to the same period in the previous year:

                                          Consumer Loans
                                   Year over Year Percent Change
  Three Months Ended            Dollar Volume          Unit Volume
 -------------------         -------------------   -------------------
 March 31, 2008                            28.5%                 16.0%
 June 30, 2008                             40.6%                 26.1%
 September 30, 2008                        27.5%                 26.9%
 December 31, 2008                        -21.0%                -13.4%
 March 31, 2009                           -26.3%                -13.0%
 June 30, 2009                            -30.2%                -16.2%
 September 30, 2009                       -13.6%                 -5.7%

Dollar and unit volume declined during the first three quarters of 2009 as compared to the same periods in 2008 due to pricing changes implemented during the first nine months of 2008.

As a result of our success in renewing our debt facilities, we are now in position to begin growing year over year unit volumes. In September 2009, we implemented a pricing change that was intended to have a positive impact on unit volume, in exchange for modestly lower returns on capital. As a result of this change, unit volume increased by 9.0% in September 2009 as compared to September of 2008 with dollar volume increasing by 3.0%. We will continue to monitor unit volumes and will make additional pricing changes with an objective to maximize economic profit given the capital we have available. Future growth rates will depend on how unit volumes respond to pricing changes, which will be influenced to a large degree by how quickly competition returns to our market.

The following table summarizes the changes in consumer loan unit volume and active dealer-partners:

                                                  Three Months Ended
                                                     September 30,
                                                  2009   2008    change
                                                ------- ------- -------

 Consumer loan unit volume                      26,069  27,636   -5.7%
 Active dealer-partners (1)                      2,240   2,270   -1.3%
                                                ------- -------
 Average volume per active dealer-partner         11.6    12.2   -4.9%

 Consumer loan unit volume from
  dealer-partners active both periods           17,818  19,529   -8.8%
 Dealer-partners active both periods             1,293   1,293    0.0%
                                                ------- -------
 Average volume per dealer-partners active
  both periods                                    13.8    15.1   -8.8%

 Consumer loan unit volume from new
  dealer-partners                                1,301   1,792  -27.4%
 New active dealer-partners (2)                    230     300  -23.3%
                                                ------- -------
 Average volume per new active dealer-partners     5.7     6.0   -5.0%

 Attrition (3)                                   -29.3%  -20.6%

 1) Active dealer-partners are dealer-partners who have received
    funding for at least one dealer loan or purchased loan
    during the period.

 2) New active dealer-partners are dealer-partners who enrolled
    in our program and have received funding for their first
    dealer loan or purchased loan from us during the periods

 3) Attrition is measured according to the following formula:
    decrease in consumer loan unit volume from dealer-partners
    who have received funding for at least one dealer loan or
    purchased loan during the comparable period of the prior
    year but did not receive funding for any dealer loans or
    purchased loans during the current period divided by prior
    year comparable period consumer loan unit volume.

Consumer loans are assigned to us through either our portfolio program or our purchase program. The following table summarizes the portion of our consumer loan volume that was assigned to us through our purchase program:

                                      Three Months       Nine Months
                                          Ended            Ended
                                      September 30,     September 30,
                                   ------------------ ------------------
                                     2009      2008      2009     2008
                                   -------   -------   -------  -------

 New purchased loan unit volume
  as a percentage of total unit
  volume                             11.0%     30.8%     14.6%    31.6%

 New purchased loan dollar volume
  as a percentage of total
  dollar volume                      13.3%     36.1%     17.6%    36.5%

For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2009, new purchased loan unit and dollar volume as a percentage of total unit and dollar volume, respectively, decreased as compared to 2008 due to pricing changes implemented during 2008.

As of September 30, 2009 and December 31, 2008, the net purchased loan receivable balance was 28.3% and 30.3%, respectively, of the total net receivable balance.

 Adjusted Financial Results

Adjusted financial results are provided to help shareholders understand our financial performance. The financial data below is non-GAAP, unless labeled otherwise. We use adjusted financial information internally to measure financial performance and to determine incentive compensation. The table below shows our results following adjustments to reflect non-GAAP accounting methods. These adjustments are explained in the table footnotes and the subsequent "Floating Yield Adjustment" and "Program Fee Yield Adjustment" sections. Measures such as adjusted average capital, adjusted net income, adjusted net income per diluted share, adjusted net income plus interest expense after-tax, adjusted return on capital, adjusted revenue, operating expenses, and economic profit are all non-GAAP financial measures. These non-GAAP financial measures should be viewed in addition to, and not as an alternative for, our reported results prepared in accordance with GAAP.

Adjusted financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2009, compared to the same period in 2008, include the following:

                                           Three Months Ended
                                              September 30,
 (Dollars in thousands, except
  per share data)                    2009         2008      % Change
 Adjusted average capital        $ 1,000,340  $ 1,031,581        -3.0%
 Adjusted net income             $    34,691  $    22,260        55.8%
 Adjusted interest expense
  (after-tax)                    $     5,225  $     7,081       -26.2%
 Adjusted net income plus
  interest expense (after-tax)   $    39,916  $    29,341        36.0%
 Adjusted return on capital            16.0%        11.4%        40.4%
 Cost of capital                        6.9%         6.5%         6.2%
 Economic profit                 $    22,515  $    12,628        78.3%
 GAAP diluted weighted average
  shares outstanding              31,539,119   31,024,455         1.7%
 Adjusted net income per diluted
  share                          $      1.10  $      0.72        52.8%

                                           Nine Months Ended
                                              September 30,
 (Dollars in thousands, except
  per share data)                    2009         2008      % Change

 Adjusted average capital        $ 1,001,690  $   961,944         4.1%
 Adjusted net income             $    89,536  $    59,220        51.2%
 Adjusted interest expense
  (after-tax)                    $    15,166  $    19,996       -24.2%
 Adjusted net income plus
  interest expense (after-tax)   $   104,702  $    79,216        32.2%
 Adjusted return on capital            13.9%        11.0%        26.4%
 Cost of capital                        6.5%         6.5%         0.0%
 Economic profit                 $    55,894  $    32,466        72.2%
 GAAP diluted weighted average
  shares outstanding              31,370,580   30,994,466         1.2%
 Adjusted net income per diluted
  share                          $      2.85  $      1.91        49.2%

Economic profit increased 78.3% for the three months ended September 30, 2009, and increased 72.2% for the nine months ended September 30, 2009, as compared to the same periods in 2008. Economic profit is a function of the return on capital in excess of the cost of capital and the amount of capital invested in the business.

For the three months ended September 30, 2009, adjusted average capital decreased by 3.0% and the adjusted return on capital increased from 11.4% to 16.0%, as compared to the same period in 2008. For the nine months ended September 30, 2009, adjusted average capital grew by 4.1% and the adjusted return on capital increased from 11.0% to 13.9%, as compared to the same period in 2008. The increase in the return on capital for the three and nine month periods was primarily due to the following:

 * Finance charges, as a percentage of adjusted average
   capital, increased due to pricing changes implemented during
   the first nine months of 2008 and an increase in forecasted
   collection rates during the first nine months of 2009.

 * The formation of VSC Re during the fourth quarter of 2008.
   The VSC Re earnings are recognized on an accrual basis and
   recorded as premiums earned less premium tax and provision
   for claims. Previously, earnings on vehicle service
   contracts, excluding our commissions, were recorded as other
   income and realized when profit sharing payments were
   received from third party administrators. The following
   table shows the after-tax earnings from VSC Re and profit
   sharing payments received and recorded as other income for
   the three and nine months ended September 30, 2009 and 2008:

 (Dollars in thousands)         Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                                   September 30,       September 30,
                                ------------------  ------------------
                                  2009      2008      2009      2008
                                --------  --------  --------  --------

 Premiums earned less premium
  tax and provision for claims
  (after-tax)                   $  3,843  $     --  $  6,288  $     --
 Earnings from profit sharing
  payments (after-tax)                --        --        74     1,404
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
                                $  3,843  $     --  $  6,362  $  1,404
                                ========  ========  ========  ========

The financial results from VSC Re for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2009 include $2.1 million of after-tax earnings related to a revision in our timing used to recognize premiums earned. We revised our timing in order to better match the timing of our revenue recognition with our expected costs of servicing our vehicle service contracts, which is based on our historical claims experience.

The increase in the return on capital for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 was also impacted by decreased operating expenses, as a percentage of adjusted average capital, due to:

 * An increased percentage of loan origination costs being
   deferred due to an increase in the dealer loan unit volume
   as a percentage of total unit volume.
 * Lower sales commissions due to a reduction in unit volume.
 * Reduced expenses related to information technology.

The following table shows adjusted revenue and operating expenses as a percentage of adjusted average capital and the percentage change in adjusted average capital for each of the last eight quarters, compared to the same periods in the prior year:

                                     Three Months Ended
                            Sept. 30,  Jun. 30,   Mar. 31,   Dec. 31,
                               2009      2009       2009       2008
                            ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Adjusted revenue as a
  percentage of adjusted
  average capital               36.6%      32.7%      30.7%      30.2%
                            =========  =========  =========  =========

 Operating expenses as a
  percentage of adjusted
  average capital               11.3%      10.7%      11.6%      11.1%
                            =========  =========  =========  =========

 Adjusted return on capital     16.0%      13.9%      12.0%      12.1%
                            =========  =========  =========  =========

 Percentage change in
  adjusted average capital
  compared to the same
  period in the prior year      -3.0%       1.9%      15.2%      30.4%
                            =========  =========  =========  =========

                                     Three Months Ended
                            Sept. 30,  Jun. 30,   Mar. 31,   Dec. 31,
                               2008      2008       2008       2007
                            ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Adjusted revenue as a
  percentage of adjusted
  average capital               28.9%      28.5%      30.7%      31.7%
                            =========  =========  =========  =========

 Operating expenses as a
  percentage of adjusted
  average capital               10.8%      11.3%      13.6%      14.7%
                            =========  =========  =========  =========

 Adjusted return on capital     11.4%      10.8%      10.7%      10.7%
                            =========  =========  =========  =========

 Percentage change in
  adjusted average capital
  compared to the same
  period in the prior year      42.3%      39.6%      37.5%      35.5%
                            =========  =========  =========  =========

The following tables show how non-GAAP measures reconcile to GAAP measures. All after-tax adjustments are calculated using a 37% tax rate as we estimate that to be our long term average effective tax rate. Amounts do not recalculate due to rounding.

                                          Three Months Ended
                                             September 30,
 (Dollars in thousands,                                            %
 except per share data)                  2009          2008      Change
                                     ------------  ------------  ------

 Adjusted net income
 GAAP net income                     $    40,734   $    20,657   97.2%
 Floating yield adjustment
  (after-tax)                             (4,617)        1,183
 Program fee yield adjustment
  (after-tax)                                152           506
 Loss (gain) from discontinued
  United Kingdom segment
  (after-tax)                                 78          (326)
 Interest expense related to
  interest rate swap agreement
  (after-tax)                                (94)         (179)
 Adjustment to record taxes at 37%        (1,562)          419
                                     ------------  ------------
   Adjusted net income               $    34,691   $    22,260   55.8%
                                     ============  ============

 Adjusted net income per
  diluted share                      $      1.10   $      0.72   52.8%
 Diluted weighted average
  shares outstanding                  31,539,119    31,024,455    1.7%

 Adjusted average capital
 GAAP average debt                   $   562,663   $   706,637  -20.4%
 GAAP average shareholders' equity       428,377       308,990   38.6%
 Floating yield adjustment                10,134        18,002
 Program fee yield adjustment               (834)       (2,048)
                                     ------------  ------------
   Adjusted average capital          $ 1,000,340   $ 1,031,581   -3.0%
                                     ============  ============

 Adjusted return on capital
 Adjusted net income                 $    34,691   $    22,260
 Adjusted interest expense
  (after-tax)                              5,225         7,081
                                     ------------  ------------
   Adjusted net income plus
    interest expense (after-tax)     $    39,916   $    29,341   36.0%
                                     ============  ============

   Adjusted return on capital (1)           16.0%         11.4%  40.4%
                                     ============  ============

 Economic profit
 Adjusted return on capital                 16.0%         11.4%
 Cost of capital (2)                         6.9%          6.5%
                                     ------------  ------------
 Adjusted return on capital in
  excess of cost of capital                  9.1%          4.9%
 Adjusted average capital            $ 1,000,340   $ 1,031,581
                                     ------------  ------------
   Economic profit                   $    22,515   $    12,628   78.3%
                                     ============  ============

                                         Nine Months Ended
                                           September 30,
 (Dollars in thousands,                                          %
 except per share data)                 2009        2008       Change
                                    -----------  -----------   -------

 Adjusted net income
 GAAP net income                    $  105,920   $   48,621     117.8%
 Floating yield adjustment
  (after-tax)                          (14,844)       8,954
 Program fee yield adjustment
  (after-tax)                              675        1,703
 Loss (gain) from discontinued
  United Kingdom segment
  (after-tax)                               54         (330)
 Interest expense related to
  interest rate swap agreement
  (after-tax)                             (454)         (22)
 Adjustment to record taxes at 37%      (1,815)         294
                                    -----------  -----------
   Adjusted net income              $   89,536   $   59,220      51.2%
                                    ===========  ===========

 Adjusted net income per
  diluted share                     $     2.85   $     1.91      49.2%
 Diluted weighted average
  shares outstanding                31,370,580   30,994,466       1.2%

 Adjusted average capital
 GAAP average debt                  $  597,268   $  659,193      -9.4%
 GAAP average shareholders' equity     389,727      293,219      32.9%
 Floating yield adjustment              15,735       12,135
 Program fee yield adjustment           (1,040)      (2,603)
                                    -----------  -----------
   Adjusted average capital         $1,001,690   $  961,944       4.1%
                                    ===========  ===========
 Adjusted return on capital
 Adjusted net income                $   89,536   $   59,220
 Adjusted interest expense
  (after-tax)                           15,166       19,996
                                    -----------  -----------
   Adjusted net income plus
    interest expense (after-tax)    $  104,702   $   79,216      32.2%
                                    ===========  ===========
   Adjusted return on capital (1)         13.9%        11.0%     26.4%
                                    ===========  ===========

 Economic profit
 Adjusted return on capital               13.9%        11.0%
 Cost of capital (2)                       6.5%         6.5%
                                    -----------  -----------
 Adjusted return on capital in
  excess of cost of capital                7.4%         4.5%
 Adjusted average capital           $1,001,690   $  961,944
                                    -----------  -----------
   Economic profit                  $   55,894   $   32,466      72.2%
                                    ===========  ===========

 1) Adjusted return on capital is defined as annualized adjusted
    net income plus adjusted interest expense after-tax divided
    by adjusted average capital.

 2) The cost of capital includes both a cost of equity and a
    cost of debt. The cost of equity capital is determined based
    on a formula that considers the risk of the business and the
    risk associated with our use of debt. The formula utilized
    for determining the cost of equity capital is as follows:
    (the average 30 year treasury rate + 5%) + [(1 - tax rate) x
    (the average 30 year treasury rate + 5% - pre-tax average
    cost of debt rate) x average debt/(average equity + average
    debt x tax rate)]. For the three months ended September 30,
    2009 and 2008, the average 30 year treasury rate was 4.2%
    and 4.5%, respectively. The adjusted pre-tax average cost of
    debt was 5.9% and 6.4%, respectively. For the nine months
    ended September 30, 2009 and 2008, the average 30 year
    treasury rate was 3.9% and 4.5%, respectively. The adjusted
    pre-tax average cost of debt was 5.4% and 6.4%,

                                   Quarter Ended
                            Sept. 30,  Jun. 30,    Mar. 31,   Dec. 31,
  (Dollars in thousands)      2009       2009        2009       2008
                          ----------- ----------- --------- -----------

 Adjusted net income
 GAAP net income          $   40,734  $   36,185  $ 29,001  $   18,556
 Floating yield adjustment
  (after-tax)                 (4,617)     (5,882)   (4,345)      4,125
 Program fee yield
  adjustment (after-tax)         152         203       320         372
 Loss (gain) from
  discontinued United
  Kingdom segment
  (after-tax)                     78         (35)       11         221
 Interest expense
  related to interest
  swap agreement
  (after-tax)                    (94)       (147)     (213)        242
 Adjustment to record
  taxes at 37%                (1,562)       (193)      (60)         56
                          ----------- ----------- --------- -----------
   Adjusted net income    $   34,691  $   30,131  $ 24,714  $   23,572
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========

 Adjusted revenue
 GAAP total revenue       $  100,268  $   92,373  $ 87,888  $   86,296
 Floating yield
  adjustment                  (7,329)     (9,336)   (6,898)      6,546
 Program fee yield
  adjustment                     242         322       507         590
 Provision for credit
  losses                       3,433       3,766      (167)    (14,252)
 Provision for claims         (5,148)     (4,829)   (4,809)     (2,650)
                          ----------- ----------- --------- -----------
   Adjusted revenue       $   91,466  $   82,296  $ 76,521  $   76,530
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========

 Adjusted average capital
 GAAP average debt        $  562,663  $  604,863  $624,279  $  665,635
 GAAP average
  shareholders' equity       428,377     388,242   352,562     331,402
 Floating yield
  adjustment                  10,134      15,243    21,829      18,643
 Program fee yield
  adjustment                    (834)     (1,012)   (1,274)     (1,609)
                          ----------- ----------- --------- -----------
   Adjusted average
    capital               $1,000,340  $1,007,336  $ 997,396  $1,014,071
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========
 Adjusted revenue as a
  percentage of adjusted
  average capital               36.6%       32.7%     30.7%       30.2%
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========

 Adjusted return on
 Adjusted net income      $   34,691  $   30,131  $ 24,714  $   23,572
 Adjusted interest
  expense (after-tax)          5,225       4,736     5,205       6,994
                          ----------- ----------- --------- -----------
   Adjusted net income
    plus interest
    expense (after-tax)   $   39,916  $   34,867    29,919  $   30,566
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========
 Adjusted return on
  capital                       16.0%       13.9%     12.0%       12.1%
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========

 Operating expenses
 GAAP salaries and wages  $   16,862  $   16,515  $ 17,121  $   17,788
 GAAP general and
  administrative               7,872       6,897     7,998       6,785
 GAAP sales and marketing      3,533       3,566     3,921       3,446
                          ----------- ----------- --------- -----------
   Operating expenses     $   28,267  $   26,978  $ 29,040  $   28,019
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========

 Operating expenses as a
  percentage of adjusted
  average capital               11.3%       10.7%     11.6%       11.1%
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========
 Percentage change in
  adjusted average
  capital compared to
  the same period in the
  prior year                    -3.0%        1.9%     15.2%       30.4%
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========

                                  Quarter Ended
                            Sept. 30,  Jun. 30,    Mar. 31,   Dec. 31,
  (Dollars in thousands)      2008       2008        2008       2007
                          ----------- ----------- --------- -----------

 Adjusted net income
 GAAP net income          $   20,657    $ 10,344  $ 17,620    $ 12,484
 Floating yield adjustment
  (after-tax)                  1,183       9,536    (1,765)      1,591
 Program fee yield
  adjustment (after-tax)         506         653       544       1,353
 Loss (gain) from
  discontinued United
  Kingdom segment
  (after-tax)                   (326)         35       (39)       (219)
 Interest expense
  related to interest
  swap agreement
  (after-tax)                   (179)       (375)      532         302
 Adjustment to record
  taxes at 37%                   419          (2)     (123)       (639)
                          ----------- ----------- --------- -----------
   Adjusted net income    $   22,260  $   20,191  $ 16,769  $   14,872
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========

 Adjusted revenue
 GAAP total revenue       $   80,107  $   75,005  $ 70,778  $   63,232
 Floating yield
  adjustment                   1,880      15,137    (2,800)      2,525
 Program fee yield
  adjustment                     804       1,036       863       2,150
 Provision for credit
  losses                      (8,278)    (20,782)   (2,479)     (6,345)
 Provision for claims             13          (9)       (5)         (4)
                          ----------- ----------- --------- -----------
   Adjusted revenue       $   74,526  $   70,387  $ 66,357  $   61,558
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========

 Adjusted average capital
 GAAP average debt        $  706,637  $  686,148  $584,794  $  515,031
 GAAP average
  shareholders' equity       308,990     295,771   274,897     256,838
 Floating yield
  adjustment                  18,002       9,326     9,076       9,784
 Program fee yield
  adjustment                  (2,048)     (2,626)   (3,136)     (4,011)
                          ----------- ----------- --------- -----------
  Adjusted average
   capital               $ 1,031,581  $  988,619  $865,631  $  777,642
                         ============ =========== ========= ===========
 Adjusted revenue as a
  percentage of adjusted
  average capital               28.9%       28.5%     30.7%       31.7%
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========

 Adjusted return on
 Adjusted net income       $  22,260  $   20,191  $ 16,769  $   14,872
  Adjusted interest
  expense (after-tax)          7,081       6,602     6,313       5,928
                          ----------- ----------- --------- -----------
   Adjusted net income
    plus interest
    expense (after-tax)   $   29,341  $   26,793  $ 23,082  $   20,800
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========
 Adjusted return on
  capital                       11.4%       10.8%     10.7%       10.7%
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========

 Operating expenses
 GAAP salaries and wages  $   16,766  $   16,699  $ 17,740  $   16,823
 GAAP general and
  administrative               6,975       6,627     7,124       6,729
 GAAP sales and marketing      4,103       4,556     4,671       5,003
                          ----------- ----------- --------- -----------
   Operating expenses     $   27,844  $   27,882  $ 29,535  $   28,555
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========

 Operating expenses as a
  percentage of adjusted
  average capital               10.8%       11.3%     13.6%       14.7%
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========
 Percentage change in
  adjusted average
  capital compared to
  the same period in the
  prior year                    42.3%       39.6%     37.5%       35.5%
                          =========== =========== ========= ===========

 Floating Yield Adjustment

The purpose of this adjustment is to modify the calculation of our GAAP-based finance charge revenue so that favorable and unfavorable changes in expected cash flows from loans receivable are treated consistently. To make the adjustment understandable, we must first explain how GAAP requires us to account for finance charge revenue, our primary revenue source.

Finance charge revenue equals the cash inflows from our loan portfolio less cash outflows to acquire the loans. Our GAAP finance charge revenue is based on estimates of future cash flows and is recognized on a level-yield basis over the estimated life of the loan. With the level-yield approach, the amount of finance charge revenue recognized from a loan in a given period, divided by the loan asset, is a constant percentage. Under GAAP, favorable changes in expected cash flows are treated as increases to the yield and are recognized over time, while unfavorable changes are recorded as a current period expense. The non-GAAP methodology that we use (the "floating yield" method) is identical to the GAAP approach except that, under the "floating yield" method, all changes in expected cash flows (both positive and negative) are treated as yield adjustments and therefore impact earnings over time. The GAAP treatment always results in a lower carrying value of the loan receivable asset, but may result in either higher or lower earnings for any given period depending on the timing and amount of expected cash flow changes.

We believe floating yield earnings are a more accurate reflection of the performance of our business, since both favorable and unfavorable changes in estimated cash flows are treated consistently.

 Program Fee Yield Adjustment

The purpose of this adjustment is to make revenue from program fees comparable across time periods. In 2001, we began charging dealer-partners a monthly program fee of $599. Effective January 1, 2007, we implemented a change in the way these fees are charged designed to positively impact dealer-partner attrition. We continue to charge a monthly program fee of $599, but instead of collecting the fee in the current period, we collect it from future dealer holdback payments.

As a result of this change, (as of January 1, 2007) we record program fees on a GAAP basis as a yield adjustment, recognizing these fees as finance charge revenue over the term of the dealer loan because collection is dependent on the future cash flows of the loan. Previously, we had recorded the fee as program fee revenue in the month the fee was charged. The current GAAP treatment is more consistent with the cash economics of the business.

To allow for proper comparisons between periods, we make an adjustment to our financial results as though program fees had always been recorded as a yield adjustment. The program fee adjustment will become less significant in future periods. The program fee adjustment, after tax, is projected to be $0.8 million and $0.3 million in 2009 and 2010, respectively. We believe the adjustment will be immaterial starting in 2011.

 Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

We claim the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 for all of our forward-looking statements. Statements in this release that are not historical facts, such as those using terms like "may," "will," "should," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "assume," "forecast," "estimate," "intend," "plan," "target" and those regarding our future results, plans and objectives, are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. These forward-looking statements represent our outlook only as of the date of this release. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements since the statements are based on our current expectations, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors that might cause such a difference include, but are not limited to, the factors set forth in Item 1A of our Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008, other risk factors discussed herein or listed from time to time in our reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the following:

 * Our inability to accurately forecast and estimate the amount
   and timing of future collections could have a material
   adverse effect on results of operations.

 * We may be unable to continue to access or renew funding
   sources and obtain capital on acceptable terms needed to
   maintain and grow the business.

 * Requirements under credit facilities to meet financial and
   portfolio performance covenants.

 * The conditions of the U.S. and international capital markets
   may adversely affect lenders the Company has relationships
   with, causing us to incur additional cost and reducing our
   sources of liquidity, which may adversely affect our
   financial position, liquidity and results of operations.

 * Due to competition from traditional financing sources and
   non-traditional lenders, we may not be able to compete

 * We may not be able to generate sufficient cash flow to
   service our outstanding debt and fund operations.

 * Interest rate fluctuations may adversely affect our
   borrowing costs, profitability and liquidity.

 * The regulation to which we are or may become subject could
   result in a material adverse affect on our business.

 * Adverse changes in economic conditions, the automobile or
   finance industries, or the non-prime consumer market, could
   adversely affect our financial position, liquidity and
   results of operations, the ability of key vendors that we
   depend on to supply us with certain services, and our
   ability to enter into future financing transactions.

 * Litigation we are involved in from time to time may
   adversely affect our financial condition, results of
   operations and cash flows.

 * We are dependent on our senior management and the loss of
   any of these individuals or an inability to hire additional
   team members could adversely affect our ability to operate

 * Our inability to properly safeguard confidential consumer

 * Our operations could suffer from telecommunications or
   technology downtime or increased costs.

 * Natural disasters, acts of war, terrorist attacks and
   threats or the escalation of military activity in response
   to such attacks or otherwise may negatively affect our
   business, financial condition and results of operations.

Other factors not currently anticipated by management may also materially and adversely affect our results of operations. We do not undertake, and expressly disclaim any obligation, to update or alter our statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

 Description of Credit Acceptance Corporation

Since 1972, Credit Acceptance has provided auto loans to consumers, regardless of their credit history. Our product is offered through a nationwide network of automobile dealers who benefit from sales of vehicles to consumers who otherwise could not obtain financing; from repeat and referral sales generated by these same customers; and from sales to customers responding to advertisements for our product, but who actually end up qualifying for traditional financing.

Without our product, consumers are often unable to purchase a vehicle or they purchase an unreliable one. Further, as we report to the three national credit reporting agencies, an important ancillary benefit of our program is that we provide a significant number of our consumers with an opportunity to improve their lives by improving their credit score and move on to more traditional sources of financing. Credit Acceptance is publicly traded on the NASDAQ under the symbol CACC. For more information, visit


 (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                        Three Months Ended        Nine Months Ended
                           September 30,            September 30,
                    ------------------------- -------------------------
                        2009         2008         2009         2008
                    ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
   Finance charges  $    84,489  $    75,617  $   242,339  $   210,119
   Premiums earned       11,596           12       25,257           65
   Other income           4,183        4,478       12,933       15,706
                    ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
     Total revenue      100,268       80,107      280,529      225,890
                    ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

 Costs and expenses:
   Salaries and wages    16,862       16,766       50,498       51,205
   General and
    administrative        7,872        6,975       22,767       20,726
   Sales and marketing    3,533        4,103       11,020       13,330
   Provision for
    credit losses        (3,591)       8,383       (7,217)      31,792
   Interest               8,144       10,954       23,352       31,702
   Provision for
    claims                5,148          (13)      14,786            1
                    ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
     Total costs
      and expenses       37,968       47,168      115,206      148,756
                    ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
 Operating income        62,300       32,939      165,323       77,134
   Foreign currency
    gain (loss)               3           (2)           9          (15)
                    ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
 Income from
  operations before
  provision for
  income taxes           62,303       32,937      165,332       77,119
   Provision for
    income taxes         21,491       12,606       59,358       28,828
                    ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
 Income from
  operations             40,812       20,331      105,974       48,291
                    ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
   (Loss) gain from
    United Kingdom
    operations              (13)         504           21          548
   Provision for
    income taxes             65          178           75          218
                    ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
   (Loss) gain from
    operations              (78)         326          (54)         330
                    ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
 Net income         $    40,734  $    20,657  $   105,920  $    48,621
                    ============ ============ ============ ============

 Net income per
  common share:
   Basic            $      1.33  $      0.68  $      3.47  $      1.61
                    ============ ============ ============ ============
   Diluted          $      1.29  $      0.67  $      3.38  $      1.57
                    ============ ============ ============ ============

 Income from
  operations per
  common share:
   Basic            $      1.33  $      0.67  $      3.47  $      1.60
                    ============ ============ ============ ============
   Diluted          $      1.29  $      0.66  $      3.38  $      1.56
                    ============ ============ ============ ============

 (Loss) gain from
  operations per
  common share:
   Basic            $        --  $      0.01  $        --  $      0.01
                    ============ ============ ============ ============
   Diluted          $        --  $      0.01  $        --  $      0.01
                    ============ ============ ============ ============

 Weighted average
   Basic             30,658,969   30,310,053   30,540,274   30,223,586
   Diluted           31,539,119   31,024,455   31,370,580   30,994,466


 (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                                       As of
                                             Sept. 30,       Dec. 31,
                                                2009           2008
                                            ------------   ------------
                 ASSETS:                    (Unaudited)
 Cash and cash equivalents                  $     1,610    $     3,154
 Restricted cash and cash equivalents            76,019         80,333
 Restricted securities available for sale         2,779          3,345

 Loans receivable (including $13,351 and
  $15,383 from affiliates as of
  September 30, 2009 and December 31, 2008,
  respectively)                               1,180,340      1,148,752
 Allowance for credit losses                   (123,240)      (130,835)
                                            ------------   ------------
   Loans receivable, net                      1,057,100      1,017,917
                                            ------------   ------------

 Property and equipment, net                     18,801         21,049
 Income taxes receivable                          4,460             --
 Other assets                                    17,132         13,556
                                            ------------   ------------
   Total Assets                             $ 1,177,901    $ 1,139,354
                                            ============   ============


   Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $    81,106    $    83,948
   Line of credit                               102,500         61,300
   Secured financing                            436,491        574,175
   Mortgage note and capital lease
    obligations                                   5,285          6,239
   Deferred income taxes, net                   100,911         75,060
   Income taxes payable                              --            881
                                            ------------   ------------
     Total Liabilities                          726,293        801,603
                                            ------------   ------------

 Shareholders' Equity:
   Preferred stock, $.01 par value,
    1,000,000 shares authorized,
    none issued                                      --             --
   Common stock, $.01 par value, 80,000,000
    shares authorized, 30,985,892 and
    30,666,691 shares issued and outstanding
    as of September 30, 2009 and
    December 31, 2008, respectively                 309            306
   Paid-in capital                               18,491         11,829
   Retained earnings                            434,098        328,178
   Accumulated other comprehensive loss,
    net of tax of $736 and $1,478 at
    September 30, 2009 and December 31, 2008,
    respectively                                 (1,290)        (2,562)
                                            ------------   ------------
     Total Shareholders' Equity                 451,608        337,751
                                            ------------   ------------
     Total Liabilities and
      Shareholders' Equity                  $ 1,177,901    $ 1,139,354
                                            ============   ============

This news release was distributed by GlobeNewswire,

SOURCE: Credit Acceptance Corporation

CONTACT:  Credit Acceptance Corporation
Investor Relations:
Douglas W. Busk, Senior Vice President and Treasurer
(248) 353-2700 Ext. 4432

(C) Copyright 2009 GlobeNewswire, Inc. All rights reserved.

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