Corporate Governance

Documents »

The Board of Directors of Credit Acceptance Corporation (the "Company") sets high standards for the Company's employees, officers and directors. Implicit in this philosophy is the importance of sound corporate governance. It is the duty of the Board of Directors to serve as a prudent fiduciary for shareholders and to oversee the management of the Company's business. To fulfill its responsibilities and to discharge its duty, the Board of Directors follows the procedures and standards that are set forth in these guidelines. These guidelines are subject to modification from time to time as the Board of Directors deems appropriate in the best interests of the Company or as required by applicable laws and regulations.

Ethics Hotline

All organizations are exposed to the risk of fraud and other wrongdoings. Credit Acceptance takes this risk seriously and has implemented procedures to detect suspected wrongdoings and to respond with the appropriate corrective measures. The process of detecting wrongdoings involves employees, dealers and others that come in contact with our organization. You are encouraged to report any wrongdoings involving the company including:

  1. Suspected fraud including:
    • Intentional manipulation of financial statements
    • Misappropriation (stealing or embezzling) of company assets by current employees, former employees, dealers, customers or vendors
    • Corruption including bribery or receipt of bribes
  2. Suspected violation of laws or regulations by employees or vendors
  3. Suspected violation of company policy including harassment, discrimination, conflict of interest, or other conduct-related issues

An anonymous hotline has been set up for you to submit concerns confidentially. You can contact the hotline by phone or email:

Phone: 855-900-0046

The hotline is answered by an independent third-party, which routes the concerns for resolution based on guidelines established by the Company's independent Audit Committee.

Title Documents

Corporate Governance Principles

Audit Committee Charter

Compensation Committee Charter

Nominating Committee Charter

Director Code of Conduct

Senior Executives and Financial Officers Code of Conduct

Incentive Compensation Recovery (“Clawback”) Policy

Stock Trading Policy