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Aug 2, 2007

Credit Acceptance Announces Second Quarter 2007 Earnings

SOUTHFIELD, Mich., Aug 2, 2007 (PrimeNewswire via COMTEX News Network) --

Credit Acceptance Corporation (Nasdaq:CACC) (referred to as the "Company", "we", "our", or "us") announced consolidated net income of $12.3 million, or $0.39 per diluted share, for the three months ended June 30, 2007 compared to consolidated net income of $17.6 million, or $0.50 per diluted share for the same period in 2006. For the six months ended June 30, 2007 consolidated net income was $27.7 million, or $0.88 per diluted share, compared to consolidated net income of $34.8 million, or $0.94 per diluted share for the same period in 2006.

Refer to our Form 10-Q, filed today with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and which will appear on our website at, for a complete discussion of the results of operations and financial data for the three and six months ended June 30, 2007.

 Operating Results

Results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2007 compared to the same periods in 2006 include the following:

                                               % Change
                                Three Months Ended    Six Months Ended
                                   June 30, 2007       June 30, 2007
                                ------------------    ----------------
 Consumer loan unit volume              24.2%               25.4%
 Consumer loan dollar volume            40.5%               41.2%
 Number of active dealer-partners       29.5%               29.5%
 Total cash collections on loans        10.7%               10.8%
 Dealer holdback payments                1.9%                9.3%
 Average consumer loan size             13.1%               12.6%
 Total average loan portfolio size      23.3%               19.3%

The following table summarizes consumer loan origination dollar growth in each of the last six quarters compared with the same period in the previous year:

                            Year over Year
                 Growth in Consumer Loan Dollar Volume
                Three Months Ended          % Change
                -------------------        -----------

                March 31, 2006                10.3%
                June 30, 2006                  5.0%
                September 30, 2006            27.8%
                December 31, 2006             39.2%
                March 31, 2007                41.6%
                June 30, 2007                 40.5%

The following table summarizes the changes in active dealer-partners and corresponding Consumer Loan unit volume for the three months ended June 30, 2007 and 2006:

                                          Three Months Ended June 30,
                                           2007     2006    % change
                                          ------   ------   --------
 Consumer Loan unit volume                25,053   20,176     24.2%
 Active dealer-partners (1)                1,955    1,510     29.5%
                                          ------   -----
 Average volume per dealer-partner          12.8     13.4     -4.5%

 Consumer Loan unit volume from
  dealer-partners active both periods     15,967   15,898      0.4%
 Dealer-partners active both periods       1,022    1,022      0.0%
                                          ------   -----
 Average volume per dealer-partner
  active both periods                       15.6     15.6      0.0%

 Consumer Loan unit volume from new
  dealer-partners                          4,331    1,085    299.2%
 New active dealer-partners (2)              536      188    185.1%
                                          ------   -----
 Average volume per new active
  dealer-partner                             8.1      5.8     39.7%

 Attrition (3)                             -21.2%   -19.9%

 (1) Active dealer-partners are dealer-partners who submit at least
     one Consumer Loan during the period.
 (2) New active dealer-partners are dealer-partners that have
     enrolled in our program and have submitted their first Consumer
     Loan to us during the period.
 (3) Attrition is measured according to the following formula:
     decrease in Consumer Loan unit volume from dealer-partners who
     submitted at least one Consumer Loan during the comparable period
     of the prior year but who submitted no Consumer Loans during the
     current period divided by prior year comparable period Consumer
     Loan unit volume.

 Consumer Loan Performance

Although the majority of loan originations are recorded in our financial statements as dealer loans, each transaction starts with a loan from the dealer-partner to the individual purchasing the vehicle. Since the cash flows available to repay the dealer loans are generated, in most cases, from the underlying consumer loan, the performance of the consumer loans is critical to our financial results. The following table presents forecasted consumer loan collection rates, advance rates, the spread (the forecasted collection rate less the advance rate), and the percentage of the forecasted collections that had been realized as of June 30, 2007. Payments of dealer holdback and accelerated payments of dealer holdback are not included in the advance percentage paid to the dealer-partner. All amounts are presented as a percentage of the initial balance of the consumer loan (principal + interest).

      Loan                                                   % of
   Origination     Forecasted                              Forecast
      Year        Collection %    Advance %    Spread %    Realized
   -----------    ------------    ---------    --------    --------
      1997            58.4%         47.9%        10.5%       99.9%
      1998            67.5%         46.1%        21.4%       99.5%
      1999            72.4%         48.7%        23.7%       98.7%
      2000            72.9%         47.9%        25.0%       98.0%
      2001            67.8%         46.0%        21.8%       97.3%
      2002            71.0%         42.2%        28.8%       97.0%
      2003            74.4%         43.4%        31.0%       96.3%
      2004            74.0%         44.0%        30.0%       88.9%
      2005            74.1%         46.9%        27.2%       74.5%
      2006            70.7%         46.6%        24.1%       39.9%
      2007            70.4%         46.4%        24.0%        7.2%

The following tables compare our forecast of consumer loan collection rates as of June 30, 2007, with the forecast as of March 31, 2007 and as of December 31, 2006:

      Loan         June 30, 2007     March 31, 2007
   Origination      Forecasted         Forecasted
      Year         Collection %       Collection %      Variance
   -----------     -------------     --------------     ---------
      1997             58.4%             58.4%              0.0%
      1998             67.5%             67.4%              0.1%
      1999             72.4%             72.4%              0.0%
      2000             72.9%             72.9%              0.0%
      2001             67.8%             67.8%              0.0%
      2002             71.0%             70.8%              0.2%
      2003             74.4%             74.3%              0.1%
      2004             74.0%             74.1%             -0.1%
      2005             74.1%             74.0%              0.1%
      2006             70.7%             71.0%             -0.3%

      Loan         June 30, 2007    December 31, 2006
   Origination      Forecasted         Forecasted
      Year         Collection %       Collection %      Variance
   -----------     -------------     --------------     ---------
      1997             58.4%             58.4%              0.0%
      1998             67.5%             67.5%              0.0%
      1999             72.4%             72.4%              0.0%
      2000             72.9%             73.0%             -0.1%
      2001             67.8%             67.7%              0.1%
      2002             71.0%             70.7%              0.3%
      2003             74.4%             74.2%              0.2%
      2004             74.0%             73.9%              0.1%
      2005             74.1%             74.2%*            -0.1%
      2006             70.7%             71.1%*            -0.4%
      2007             70.4%             69.9%**            0.5%

 * These forecasted collection percentages differ from those
   previously reported in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
   year ended December 31, 2006 and our 2006 earnings release as
   they have been revised for a seasonality factor. This seasonality
   factor was first applied during the first quarter of 2007. The
   following table compares our forecast of consumer loan collection
   rates as of June 30, 2007, with the forecast as of December 31,
   2006, without the revised seasonality factors:

      Loan         June 30, 2007    December 31, 2006
   Origination      Forecasted         Forecasted
      Year         Collection %       Collection %       Variance
   -----------     ------------       -------------      --------
      2005             74.2%              73.8%             0.4%
      2006             70.8%              70.5%             0.3%

      Forecasted collection percentages prior to 2005 are not
      materially impacted by the seasonality factors.

 ** Collection percentage represents the initial forecasted
    collection percentage determined at origination for 2007

Collection results were generally consistent with our expectations.

 Adjusted Financial Results

Adjusted financial results are provided to help shareholders understand our financial performance. The financial data below is non-GAAP, unless labeled otherwise. We use adjusted financial information internally to measure financial performance and to determine incentive compensation. The tables below show our results following adjustments to reflect non-GAAP accounting methods. These adjustments are explained in the table footnotes and the subsequent "Floating Yield Adjustment" and "License Fee Yield Adjustment" sections. Measures such as adjusted average capital, adjusted net income, adjusted net income per diluted share, adjusted net income plus interest expense after-tax, adjusted return on capital, adjusted finance charge revenue, and economic profit are all non-GAAP financial measures.

Adjusted financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2007 compared to the same periods in 2006 include the following:

 (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                    For the Three Months Ended
                                               June 30,
                                   2007           2006      % Change
 Adjusted average capital      $   708,334    $   547,473      29.4%
 Adjusted net income           $    14,254    $    16,952     -15.9%
 Interest expense after-tax    $     5,962    $     3,566      67.2%
 Adjusted net income plus
  interest expense after-tax   $    20,216    $    20,518      -1.5%
 Adjusted return on capital           11.4%          15.0%    -24.0%
 Cost of capital                       7.1%           8.2%    -13.4%
 Economic profit               $     7,615    $     9,307     -18.2%
 Diluted weighted average
  shares outstanding            31,312,139     35,433,944     -11.6%
 Adjusted net income per
  diluted share                $      0.46    $      0.48      -4.2%

                                      For the Six Months Ended
                                               June 30,
                                   2007           2006      % Change
 Adjusted average capital      $   668,965    $   535,303      25.0%
 Adjusted net income           $    30,762    $    32,035      -4.0%
 Interest expense after-tax    $    11,183    $     5,817      92.2%
 Adjusted net income plus
  interest expense after-tax   $    41,945    $    37,852      10.8%
 Adjusted return on capital           12.5%          14.1%    -11.3%
 Cost of capital                       7.1%           8.4%    -15.5%
 Economic profit               $    18,062    $    15,256      18.4%
 Diluted weighted average
  shares outstanding            31,297,484     37,029,956     -15.5%
 Adjusted net income per
  diluted share                $      0.98    $      0.87      12.6%

Economic profit decreased 18.2% for the three months ended June 30, 2007 and increased 18.4% for the six months ended June 30, 2007.

For the three months ended June 30, 2007, adjusted average capital grew at 29.4% while the adjusted return on capital declined from 15.0% to 11.4%. For the six month period, adjusted average capital grew at 25.0% while the adjusted return on capital declined from 14.1% to 12.5%. The adjusted return on capital for the 2007 period was negatively impacted by pricing changes implemented in the third quarter of 2006 and in the first quarter of 2007. In addition, the second quarter 2007 results were impacted by restricted stock awards granted during the first quarter of 2007 and higher than expected legal expenses (approximately $500,000 pre-tax). Restricted stock compensation expense pre-tax was $1.4 million and $1.8 million for the three and six months ended June 30, 2007 compared to $0.2 million and $0.3 million for the same periods in 2006.

Restricted stock awards granted during the first quarter of 2007 totaled $9.4 million. Awards granted included $7.9 million related to a restricted stock unit award and $1.5 million related to shares of restricted stock. The restricted stock unit award is not expected to be repeated annually and vests based on attaining certain performance criteria over a five-year period. The shares of restricted stock are part of the annual incentive compensation program and are granted annually based on attaining certain individual and company performance criteria. GAAP accounting requires the awards to be expensed so that more expense is recorded during the early years of the vesting period. The following table details how the expense will be recorded assuming performance targets are achieved (Dollars in thousands):

        For the                                         Total
     Twelve Months     Restricted      Restricted     Projected
         ended         Stock Unit        Stock         Expense
      December 31,        Award          Awards       (pre-tax)
     -------------     -----------     ----------     ---------
         2007             $3,407         $  725         $4,132
         2008              2,139            444          2,583
         2009              1,285            178          1,463
         2010                734             21            755
         2011                325             --            325
                          ------         ------         ------
                          $7,890         $1,368         $9,258
                          ======         ======         ======

As previously reported, we made pricing changes in the third quarter of 2006 and in the first quarter of 2007. The pricing changes resulted in an increase in loan volume and a reduction in the return on capital of new originations. The Company's internal profitability models indicate that the yield on loans originated during the second quarter of 2007 is comparable to the loan yield realized on the loan portfolio during the second quarter of 2007.

Unit volume in July of 2007 increased 7.4% compared to the same period in 2006 and dollar volume increased 9.8% for the same periods. It is expected that origination growth will slow during the third quarter of 2007 for two reasons: 1) third quarter comparisons will reflect the impact of price reductions made in the third quarter of 2006 in both periods for the first time and, 2) we have raised prices modestly since the first quarter of 2007.

 The following table shows how non-GAAP measures reconcile to
 GAAP measures:

 (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                    For the Three Months Ended
                                             June 30,
                                   2007           2006      % Change
                                ----------     ----------   --------
 Adjusted net income
 GAAP net income                $   12,330     $   17,606
 Floating yield
  adjustment (after-tax)               617            119
 License fee yield
  adjustment (after-tax)             1,144           (610)
 Adjustment resulting in
  comparable tax rate
  for both periods (1)                 163           (163)
                                ----------     ----------
 Adjusted net income            $   14,254     $   16,952    -15.9%
                                ==========     ==========

 Adjusted net income
  per diluted share             $     0.46     $     0.48     -4.2%
 Diluted weighted average
  shares outstanding:           31,312,139     35,433,944    -11.6%

 Adjusted average capital
 GAAP average debt              $  473,141     $  256,162
 GAAP average shareholders'
  equity                           233,465        293,401
 Floating yield adjustment           8,073          4,633
 License fee yield
  adjustment                        (6,345)        (6,723)
                                ----------     ----------
   Adjusted average capital     $  708,334     $  547,473     29.4%
                                ==========     ==========

 Adjusted return on capital
 Adjusted net income            $   14,254     $   16,952
 Interest expense
  after-tax (2)                      5,962          3,566
                                ----------     ----------
   Adjusted net income plus
    interest expense
    after-tax                   $   20,216     $   20,518     -1.5%
                                ==========     ==========
   Adjusted return on
    capital (3)                       11.4%          15.0%   -24.0%
                                ==========     ==========
 Economic profit
 Adjusted return on capital           11.4%          15.0%
 Cost of capital (4)                   7.1%           8.2%
                                ----------     ----------
 Adjusted return on capital
  in excess of cost of
  capital                              4.3%           6.8%
 Adjusted average capital       $  708,334     $  547,473
                                ----------     ----------
   Economic profit              $    7,615     $    9,307    -18.2%
                                ==========     ==========

                                      For the Six Months Ended
                                               June 30,
                                   2007             2006    % Change
                                ----------     ----------   --------

 Adjusted net income
 GAAP net income                $   27,690     $   34,803
 Floating yield
  adjustment (after-tax)               699         (1,831)
 License fee yield
  adjustment (after-tax)             2,708         (1,272)
 Adjustment resulting in
  comparable tax rate
  for both periods (1)                (335)           335
                                ----------     ----------
 Adjusted net income            $   30,762     $   32,035     -4.0%
                                ==========     ==========

 Adjusted net income
  per diluted share             $     0.98     $     0.87     12.6%
 Diluted weighted average
  shares outstanding:           31,297,484     37,029,956    -15.5%

 Adjusted average capital
 GAAP average debt              $  442,928     $  205,900
 GAAP average shareholders'
  equity                           225,721        330,752
 Floating yield adjustment           7,330          5,016
 License fee yield
  adjustment                        (7,014)        (6,365)
                                ----------     ----------
   Adjusted average capital     $  668,965     $  535,303     25.0%
                                ==========     ==========

 Adjusted return on capital
 Adjusted net income            $   30,762     $   32,035
 Interest expense
  after-tax (2)                     11,183          5,817
                                ----------     ----------
   Adjusted net income plus
    interest expense
    after-tax                   $   41,945     $   37,852     10.8%
                                ==========     ==========
   Adjusted return on
    capital (3)                       12.5%          14.1%   -11.3%
                                ==========     ==========
 Economic profit
 Adjusted return on capital           12.5%          14.1%
 Cost of capital (4)                   7.1%           8.4%
                                ----------     ----------
 Adjusted return on capital
  in excess of cost of
  capital                              5.4%           5.7%
 Adjusted average capital       $  668,965     $  535,303
                                ----------     ----------
   Economic profit              $   18,062     $   15,256     18.4%
                                ==========     ==========

 (1) This adjustment allows the reader to compare the current
     period to the prior period assuming a comparable tax rate in both
     periods. We estimate a 37% long term effective tax rate.
 (2) Interest expense after-tax calculated using a 37% tax rate.
 (3) Adjusted return on capital is defined as annualized adjusted
     net income plus interest expense after-tax divided by adjusted
     average capital.
 (4) The cost of capital includes both a cost of equity and a cost
     of debt. The cost of equity capital is determined based on a
     formula that considers the risk of the business and the risk
     associated with our use of debt. The formula utilized for
     determining the cost of equity capital is as follows: (the
     average 30 year treasury rate + 5%) + ((1 - tax rate) x (the
     average 30 year treasury rate + 5% - pre-tax average cost of debt
     rate) x average debt/(average equity + average debt x tax rate)).
     For the three and six months ended June 30, 2007, the average 30
     year treasury rate was 4.9% and the pre-tax average cost of debt
     was 8.0%.

 Floating Yield Adjustment

The purpose of this adjustment is to modify the calculation of our GAAP-based finance charge revenue so that favorable and unfavorable changes in expected cash flows from loans receivable are treated consistently. To make the adjustment understandable, we must first explain how GAAP requires us to account for finance charge revenue, our primary revenue source.

Finance charge revenue equals the cash inflows from our loan portfolio less cash outflows to acquire the loans. Our GAAP finance charge revenue is based on estimates of future cash flows and is recognized on a level-yield basis over the estimated life of the loan. With the level-yield approach, the amount of finance charge revenue recognized from a loan in a given period, divided by the loan asset, is a constant percentage. Under GAAP, favorable changes in expected cash flows are treated as increases to the yield and are recognized over time, while unfavorable changes are recorded as a current period expense. The non-GAAP methodology that we use (the "floating yield" method) is identical to the GAAP approach except that, under the "floating yield" method, all changes in expected cash flows (both positive and negative) are treated as yield adjustments and therefore impact earnings over time. The GAAP treatment always results in a lower carrying value of the loan receivable asset, but may result in either higher or lower earnings for any given period depending on the timing and amount of expected cash flow changes.

We believe floating yield earnings are a more accurate reflection of the performance of our business, since both favorable and unfavorable changes in estimated cash flows are treated consistently.

 License Fee Yield Adjustment

The purpose of this adjustment is to make the revenue from license fees comparable across time periods. In 2001, we began charging dealer-partners a monthly licensing fee for access to our internet-based Credit Approval Processing System, also known as CAPS.

Effective January 1, 2007, we implemented a change in the way these fees are charged designed to positively impact dealer-partner attrition. We continue to charge a monthly license fee of $599, but instead of collecting the fee in the current period, we will collect it from future dealer holdback payments.

As a result of this change, we now record license fees on a GAAP basis as a yield adjustment, recognizing these fees as finance charge revenue over the term of the dealer loan because collection is dependent on the future cash flows of the loan. Previously, we had recorded the fee as license fee revenue in the month the fee was charged. The new GAAP treatment is more consistent with the cash economics of the business.

To allow for proper comparisons between periods, we now make an adjustment to our financial results as though they had always been recorded as a yield adjustment. This change is shown as the license fee yield adjustment in the adjusted financial results table above.

 Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

We claim the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 for all of its forward-looking statements. Certain statements in this release that are not historical facts, such as those using terms like "may," "will," "should," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "assume," "forecast," "estimate," "intend," "plan" and those regarding our future results, plans and objectives, are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. These forward-looking statements represent our outlook only as of the date of this release. While we believe that our forward-looking statements are reasonable, actual results could differ materially since the statements are based on our current expectations, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors that might cause such a difference include, but are not limited to, the factors set forth in Item 1A of our Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006, other risk factors discussed herein or listed from time to time in our reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the following:

 * Our inability to accurately forecast the amount and timing of
   future collections could have a material adverse effect on our
   results of operations.

 * Due to increased competition from traditional financing sources
   and non-traditional lenders, we may not be able to compete

 * Our ability to maintain and grow the business is dependent on our
   ability to continue to access funding sources and obtain capital on
   favorable terms.

 * We may not be able to generate sufficient cash flow to service our
   outstanding debt and fund operations.

 * The substantial regulation to which we are subject limits the
   business, and such regulation or changes in such regulation could
   result in potential liability.

 * Adverse changes in economic conditions, or in the automobile or
   finance industries or the non-prime consumer finance market, could
   adversely affect our financial position, liquidity and results of
   operations and our ability to enter into future financing

 * Litigation we are involved in from time to time may adversely
   affect our financial condition, results of operations and cash

 * We are dependent on our senior management and the loss of any of
   these individuals or an inability to hire additional personnel
   could adversely affect our ability to operate profitably.

 * Natural disasters, acts of war, terrorist attacks and threats or
   the escalation of military activity in response to such attacks or
   otherwise may negatively affect our business, financial condition
   and results of operations.

Other factors not currently anticipated by management may also materially and adversely affect our results of operations. We do not undertake, and expressly disclaims any obligation, to update or alter our statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

 Description of Credit Acceptance Corporation

Since 1972, Credit Acceptance has provided auto loans to consumers, regardless of their credit history. Our product is offered through a nationwide network of automobile dealers who benefit from sales of vehicles to consumers who otherwise could not obtain financing; from repeat and referral sales generated by these same customers; and from sales to customers responding to advertisements for our product, but who actually end up qualifying for traditional financing.

Without our product, consumers are often unable to purchase a vehicle or they purchase an unreliable one and are not provided the opportunity to improve their credit standing. As we report to the three national credit reporting agencies, a significant number of our consumers improve their lives by improving their credit score and move on to more traditional sources of financing. Credit Acceptance is publicly traded on the NASDAQ under the symbol CACC. For more information, visit


 (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                          Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                               June 30,                June 30,
                        ----------------------  ----------------------
                           2007        2006        2007        2006
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
  Finance charges       $   54,084  $   47,919  $  105,497  $   93,926
  License fees                  84       3,204         166       6,101
  Other income               4,118       3,958       9,974       8,080
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
   Total revenue            58,286      55,081     115,637     108,107
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Costs and expenses:
  Salaries and wages        13,092       9,965      24,953      20,559
  General and
   administrative            7,359       6,297      13,276      13,062
  Sales and marketing        4,144       3,406       8,616       7,765
  Provision for credit
   losses                    3,798       2,641       7,671       3,165
  Interest                   9,463       5,660      17,751       9,234
  Other expense                 33          55          58         137
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
   Total costs and
    expenses                37,889      28,024      72,325      53,922
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Operating income           20,397      27,057      43,312      54,185
  Foreign currency gain         34           6          38          11
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Income from continuing
  operations before
  provision for income
  taxes                     20,431      27,063      43,350      54,196
   Provision for income
    taxes                    7,938       9,364      15,470      19,292
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Income from continuing
  operations                12,493      17,699      27,880      34,904
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Discontinued operations
  Loss from discontinued
   United Kingdom
    operations                (233)       (132)       (271)       (145)
   Credit for income
    taxes                      (70)        (39)        (81)        (44)
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
   Loss on discontinued
    operations                (163)        (93)       (190)       (101)
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Net income             $   12,330  $   17,606  $   27,690  $   34,803
                        ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========
 Net income per common
   Basic                $     0.41  $     0.53  $     0.92  $     1.01
                        ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========
   Diluted              $     0.39  $     0.50  $     0.88  $     0.94
                        ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========
 Income from continuing
  operations per common
   Basic                $     0.41  $     0.54  $     0.93  $     1.01
                        ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========
   Diluted              $     0.40  $     0.50  $     0.89  $     0.94
                        ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

 Loss from discontinued
  operations per common
   Basic                $    (0.01) $    (0.00) $    (0.01) $    (0.00)
                        ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========
   Diluted              $    (0.01) $    (0.00) $    (0.01) $    (0.00)
                        ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

 Weighted average shares
   Basic                30,140,590  32,979,572  30,097,387  34,554,605
   Diluted              31,312,139  35,433,944  31,297,484  37,029,956


 (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)
                                                       As of
                                                June 30,   December 31,
                                                  2007        2006
                                               ---------    ---------
 Cash and cash equivalents                     $   1,829    $   8,528
 Restricted cash and cash equivalents             72,327       45,609
 Restricted securities available for sale          3,763        3,564

 Loans receivable (including $17,797 and
  $23,038 from affiliates as of June 30, 2007
  and December 31, 2006, respectively)           873,441      754,571
 Allowance for credit losses                    (129,282)    (128,791)
                                               ---------    ---------
   Loans receivable, net                         744,159      625,780
                                               ---------    ---------

 Property and equipment, net                      17,209       16,203
 Income taxes receivable                           4,504       11,734
 Other assets                                     12,806       13,795
                                               ---------    ---------
   Total Assets                                $ 856,597    $ 725,213
                                               =========    =========
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities     $  80,842    $  78,294
  Line of credit                                  44,500       38,400
  Secured financing                              432,631      345,144
  Mortgage note and capital lease obligations      8,017        8,631
  Deferred income taxes, net                      50,750       44,397
                                               ---------    ---------
   Total Liabilities                             616,740      514,866
                                               ---------    ---------
 Shareholders' Equity:
  Preferred stock, $.01 par value,
   1,000,000 shares authorized, none issued           --           --
  Common stock, $.01 par value,
   80,000,000 shares authorized,
   30,314,956 and 30,179,959 shares issued
   and outstanding as of June 30, 2007 and
   December 31, 2006, respectively                  303          302
  Paid-in capital                                  2,730          828
  Retained earnings                              236,856      209,253
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss, net
   of tax of $17 and $19 at June 30, 2007 and
   December 31, 2006, respectively                   (32)         (36)
                                               ---------    ---------
    Total Shareholders' Equity                   239,857      210,347
                                               ---------    ---------
    Total Liabilities and
     Shareholders' Equity                      $ 856,597    $ 725,213
                                               =========    =========

This news release was distributed by PrimeNewswire,

SOURCE: Credit Acceptance Corporation

Credit Acceptance Corporation
         Investor Relations:
         Douglas W. Busk, Treasurer
         (248) 353-2700 Ext. 4432
         Silver Triangle Building
         25505 West Twelve Mile Road, Suite 3000
         Southfield, MI 48034-8339
         (248) 353-2700

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