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Apr 29, 2010

Credit Acceptance Announces First Quarter 2010 Earnings

SOUTHFIELD, Mich., Apr 29, 2010 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX News Network) -- Credit Acceptance Corporation (Nasdaq:CACC) (referred to as the "Company", "we", "our", or "us") announced consolidated net income of $32.0 million, or $1.01 per diluted share, for the three months ended March 31, 2010 compared to consolidated net income of $29.0 million, or $0.93 per diluted share, for the same period in 2009.

Adjusted net income, a non-GAAP financial measure, for the three months ended March 31, 2010 was $35.5 million, or $1.12 per diluted share, compared to $24.7 million, or $0.79 per diluted share, for the same period in 2009.

Refer to our Form 10-Q, filed today with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which will appear on our website at, for a complete discussion of the results of operations and financial data for the three months ended March 31, 2010.

Webcast Details

We will host a webcast on April 29, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time to discuss first quarter 2010 results. The webcast can be accessed live by visiting the "Investor Relations" section of our website at or by dialing 877-303-2904. Additionally, a replay and transcript of the webcast will be archived in the "Investor Relations" section of our website.

Consumer Loan Performance

At the time the consumer loan is submitted to us for assignment, we forecast future expected cash flows from the consumer loan. Based on these forecasts, an advance or one-time payment is made to the related dealer-partner at a price designed to achieve an acceptable return on capital. If consumer loan performance equals or exceeds our original expectation, it is likely our target return on capital will be achieved.

We use a statistical model to estimate the expected collection rate for each consumer loan at the time of assignment. We continue to evaluate the expected collection rate of each consumer loan subsequent to assignment. Our evaluation becomes more accurate as the consumer loans age, as we use actual performance data in our forecast. By comparing our current expected collection rate for each consumer loan with the rate we projected at the time of assignment, we are able to assess the accuracy of our initial forecast. The following table compares our forecast of consumer loan collection rates as of March 31, 2010, with the forecasts as of December 31, 2009, and at the time of assignment, segmented by year of assignment:

                                                      Variance in
              Forecasted Collection Percentage         Collection
                            as of                    Percentage from
             ----------------------------------  ---------------------

  Assignmen               December                December
      t       March 31,      31,      Initial        31,     Initial
     Year       2010        2009      Forecast      2009     Forecast
  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------
     2001       67.5%       67.5%       70.4%       0.0%       -2.9%
     2002       70.5%       70.4%       67.9%       0.1%       2.6%
     2003       73.7%       73.7%       72.0%       0.0%       1.7%
     2004       73.1%       73.1%       73.0%       0.0%       0.1%
     2005       73.8%       73.7%       74.0%       0.1%       -0.2%
     2006       70.3%       70.3%       71.4%       0.0%       -1.1%
     2007       68.1%       68.3%       70.7%      -0.2%       -2.6%
     2008       69.8%       70.0%       69.7%      -0.2%       0.1%
     2009       76.4%       75.6%       71.9%       0.8%       4.5%

Consumer loans assigned in 2002-2004 and 2008-2009 have performed better than our initial expectations while consumer loans assigned in 2001 and 2005-2007 have performed worse. During the first quarter of 2010, forecasted collection rates increased for consumer loans assigned in 2009, and decreased modestly for 2007 and 2008 consumer loan assignments.

As a result of current economic conditions and uncertainty about future conditions, our forecasts of future collection rates are subject to a greater than normal degree of risk. Our pricing strategy considers this in that we have established advance rates that are intended to allow us to achieve acceptable levels of profitability, even if collection rates are less than we currently forecast.

The following table presents forecasted consumer loan collection rates, advance rates (includes amounts paid to acquire purchased loans), the spread (the forecasted collection rate less the advance rate), and the percentage of the forecasted collections that had been realized as of March 31, 2010. Payments of dealer holdback and accelerated dealer holdback are not included in the advance percentage paid to the dealer-partner. All amounts are presented as a percentage of the initial balance of the consumer loan (principal + interest). The table includes both dealer loans and purchased loans.

                          As of March 31, 2010

     Loan    Forecasted                             % of
  Assignmen  Collection                            Forecast
   t Year         %       Advance %   Spread %    Realized
  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
     2001       67.5%       46.0%       21.5%       99.2%
     2002       70.5%       42.2%       28.3%       99.0%
     2003       73.7%       43.4%       30.3%       98.9%
     2004       73.1%       44.0%       29.1%       98.4%
     2005       73.8%       46.9%       26.9%       97.9%
     2006       70.3%       46.6%       23.7%       94.8%
     2007       68.1%       46.5%       21.6%       82.3%
     2008       69.8%       44.6%       25.2%       61.3%
     2009       76.4%       43.9%       32.5%       32.0%
     2010       73.4%       44.9%       28.5%       3.9%

The risk of a material change in our forecasted collection rate declines as the consumer loans age. For 2006 and prior consumer loan assignments, the risk of a material forecast variance is modest, as we have currently realized in excess of 90% of the expected collections. Conversely, the forecasted collection rates for more recent consumer loan assignments are less certain as a significant portion of our forecast has not been realized.

The spread between the forecasted collection rate and the advance rate declined during the 2003-2007 period as we increased advance rates during this period in response to a more difficult competitive environment. During 2008 and 2009, the spread increased as the competitive environment improved, and we reduced advance rates. In addition, during 2009 the spread was positively impacted by better than expected consumer loan performance. The decline in the spread for 2010 consumer loan assignments reflects advance rate increases implemented during the last four months of 2009 and the first quarter of 2010.

The following table presents forecasted consumer loan collection rates, advance rates (includes amounts paid to acquire purchased loans), and the spread (the forecasted collection rate less the advance rate) as of March 31, 2010 for purchased loans and dealer loans separately. Payments of dealer holdback and accelerated dealer holdback are not included in the advance percentage paid to the dealer-partner. All amounts are presented as a percentage of the initial balance of the consumer loan (principal + interest).

                           Loan    Forecasted
                        Assignmen  Collection
                         t Year         %       Advance %   Spread %
                        ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------
  Purchased loans          2007       68.3%       48.7%       19.6%
                           2008       68.8%       46.3%       22.5%
                           2009       76.5%       45.3%       31.2%
                           2010       72.9%       47.1%       25.8%

  Dealer loans             2007       68.1%       45.9%       22.2%
                           2008       70.3%       43.6%       26.7%
                           2009       76.4%       43.6%       32.8%
                           2010       73.5%       44.6%       28.9%

Although the advance rate on purchased loans is higher as compared to the advance rate on dealer loans, purchased loans do not require us to pay dealer holdback.

Consumer Loan Volume

Our ability to maintain and grow consumer loan volume is impacted by our pricing strategy, the number of dealer-partners actively participating in our programs, and the competitive environment. The following table summarizes changes in consumer loan assignment volume in each of the last five quarters as compared to the same period in the previous year:

                            Year over Year
                            Percent Change

                            Unit    Volume
     Three Months Ended     Volume   (1)
  -----------------------  -------  ------
  March 31, 2009            -13.0%  -28.9%
  June 30, 2009             -16.2%  -33.5%
  September 30, 2009         -5.7%  -13.0%
  December 31, 2009           7.6%    5.9%
  March 31, 2010             11.2%   21.6%

  (1)  Represents payments made to
   dealer-partners for advances on dealer
   loans and the acquisition of
  purchased loans. Payments of dealer
   holdback and accelerated dealer
   holdback are not included.

Dollar and unit volume increased during the first quarter of 2010 as compared to the same period in 2009 due to pricing changes implemented during the last four months of 2009 and the first quarter of 2010 that reduced per unit profitability in exchange for increased unit volume.

As a result of our success in renewing our debt facilities during the third quarter of 2009, securing additional financing during the fourth quarter of 2009 and issuing our senior notes in the first quarter of 2010, we are in position to grow year over year unit volumes. We will continue to monitor unit volumes and will make additional pricing changes with an objective to maximize economic profit given the capital we have available. Future growth rates will partially depend on how unit volumes respond to pricing changes, which will be influenced to a large degree by how quickly competition returns to our market.

The following table summarizes the changes in consumer loan unit volume and active dealer-partners:

                                                           Three Months Ended March

                                                            2010     2009    change
                                                           -------  -------  ------

  Consumer loan unit volume                                 38,903   34,991   11.2%

  Active dealer-partners (1)                                 2,346    2,305
                                                           -------  -------    1.8%
  Average volume per active dealer-partner                    16.6     15.2    9.2%

  Consumer loan unit volume from dealer-partners active
   both periods                                             28,821   27,728    3.9%

  Dealer-partners active both periods                        1,524    1,524
                                                           -------  -------      --
  Average volume per dealer-partners active both periods      18.9     18.2    3.9%

  Consumer loan unit volume from new dealer-partners         1,741    2,228  -21.9%

  New active dealer-partners (2)                               216      338
                                                           -------  -------  -36.1%
  Average volume per new active dealer-partners                8.1      6.6   22.7%

  Attrition (3)                                             -20.8%   -25.4%

  (1)  Active dealer-partners are dealer-partners who have received funding for at
   least one dealer loan or purchased loan during the period.
  (2)  New active dealer-partners are dealer-partners who enrolled in our program
   and have received funding for their first dealer loan or purchased loan from us
   during the period.
  (3)  Attrition is measured according to the following formula: decrease in
   consumer loan unit volume from dealer-partners who have received funding for at
   least one dealer loan or purchased loan during the comparable period of the
   prior year but did not receive funding for any dealer loans or purchased loans
   during the current period divided by prior year comparable period consumer loan
   unit volume.

Consumer loans are assigned to us through either our portfolio program or our purchase program. The following table summarizes the portion of our consumer loan volume that was assigned to us through our purchase program:

                                                                                 Three Months
                                                                                  March 31,

                                                                                 2010    2009
                                                                                ------  -----

  New purchased loan unit volume as a percentage of total unit volume             9.1%  17.7%
  New purchased loan dollar volume as a percentage of total dollar volume        11.1%  21.3%

For the three months ended March 31, 2010, new purchased loan unit and dollar volume as a percentage of total unit and dollar volume, respectively, decreased as compared to 2009 primarily due to the continued impact of program enrollment eligibility changes we made in 2008. For all dealer-partners enrolling in our program after August 31, 2008, access to our purchase program is only granted after the first accelerated dealer holdback payment has been made under the portfolio program.

As of March 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009, the net purchased loans receivable balance was 25.2% and 27.5%, respectively, of the total net loans receivable balance.

Adjusted Financial Results

Adjusted financial results are provided to help shareholders understand our financial performance. The financial data below is non-GAAP, unless labeled otherwise. We use adjusted financial information internally to measure financial performance and to determine incentive compensation. The table below shows our results following adjustments to reflect non-GAAP accounting methods. Material adjustments are explained in the table footnotes and the subsequent "Floating Yield Adjustment" and "Program Fee Yield Adjustment" sections. Measures such as adjusted average capital, adjusted net income, adjusted net income per diluted share, adjusted net income plus interest expense after-tax, adjusted return on capital, adjusted revenue, operating expenses, and economic profit are all non-GAAP financial measures. These non-GAAP financial measures should be viewed in addition to, and not as an alternative for, our reported results prepared in accordance with GAAP.

Adjusted financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2010, compared to the same period in 2009, include the following:

                                                     Three Months Ended
                                                          March 31,

  (Dollars in thousands, except per share                                   %
   data)                                          2010         2009      Change
                                              ------------  -----------  ------
  Adjusted average capital                     $ 1,011,469    $ 997,396    1.4%
  Adjusted net income                             $ 35,512     $ 24,714   43.7%
  Adjusted interest expense (after-tax)            $ 7,374      $ 5,205   41.7%
  Adjusted net income plus interest expense
   (after-tax)                                    $ 42,886     $ 29,919   43.3%
  Adjusted return on capital                         17.0%        12.0%   41.7%
  Cost of capital                                     7.9%         6.0%   31.7%
  Economic profit                                 $ 23,036     $ 14,886   54.7%

  GAAP diluted weighted average shares
   outstanding                                  31,584,326   31,180,146    1.3%
  Adjusted net income per diluted share             $ 1.12       $ 0.79   41.8%

Economic profit increased 54.7% for the three months ended March 31, 2010, as compared to the same period in 2009. Economic profit is a function of the return on capital in excess of the cost of capital and the amount of capital invested in the business. The following table summarizes the impact each of these components had on the increase in economic profit for the three months ended March 31, 2010, as compared to the same period in 2009:

                                             Year over
                                             Change in

                                             March 31,
  (Dollars in thousands)                        2010
  Increase in adjusted return on capital      $ 12,546
  Increase in cost of capital                  (4,606)

  Increase in adjusted average capital             210

  Increase in economic profit                  $ 8,150

The increase in economic profit for the three months ended March 31, 2010, as compared to the same period in 2009, was primarily the result of a 500 basis point increase in the adjusted return on capital, which reflects both higher yields on more recent consumer loan assignments and, to a lesser extent, lower operating expenses.

The increase in adjusted return on capital was partially offset by a 190 basis point increase in our cost of capital for the three months ended March 31, 2010, as compared to the same period in 2009. The increase in our cost of capital was primarily due to an increase in our average cost of debt and a reduction in our debt to equity ratio. The increase in our average cost of debt was primarily due to the issuance of our senior notes during the first quarter of 2010 and an increase in available and unused credit capacity.

The following table shows adjusted revenue and operating expenses as a percentage of adjusted average capital and the percentage change in adjusted average capital for each of the last eight quarters, compared to the same periods in the prior year:

                                                                  Three Months Ended

                                                Mar.    Dec.  Sept.   Jun.   Mar.   Dec.  Sept.   Jun.
                                                31,     31,    30,    30,    31,    31,    30,    30,
                                                2010    2009   2009   2009   2009   2008   2008   2008
                                               ------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
  Adjusted revenue as a percentage of
  adjusted average capital                      37.8%  37.7%  36.6%  32.7%  30.7%  30.2%  28.9%  28.5%
                                               ======  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====

  Operating expenses as a percentage of
  adjusted average capital                      10.9%  11.2%  11.3%  10.7%  11.6%  11.1%  10.8%  11.3%
                                               ======  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====

  Adjusted return on capital                    17.0%  16.7%  16.0%  13.9%  12.0%  12.1%  11.4%  10.8%
                                               ======  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====

  Percentage change in adjusted average
  compared to the same period in the prior
   year                                          1.4%  -2.4%  -3.0%   1.9%  15.2%  30.4%  42.3%  39.6%
                                               ======  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====

The following tables show how non-GAAP measures reconcile to GAAP measures. All after-tax adjustments are calculated using a 37% tax rate as we estimate that to be our long term average effective tax rate. Amounts do not recalculate due to rounding.

                                                          Three Months Ended
   thousand    Mar. 31,     Dec. 31,     Sept. 30,      Jun. 30,     Mar. 31,      Dec. 31,     Sept. 30,     Jun. 30,
  s)             2010         2009          2009          2009         2009          2008          2008         2008
             ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------

  GAAP net
   income        $ 32,010     $ 40,335      $ 40,734      $ 36,185     $ 29,001      $ 18,556      $ 20,657     $ 10,344
  x)                2,349      (4,679)       (4,617)       (5,882)      (4,345)         4,125         1,183        9,536
  x)                  115          121           152           203          320           372           506          653
  ax)                   5        (263)            78          (35)           11           221         (326)           35

  x)                   --         (68)          (94)         (147)        (213)           242         (179)        (375)
  t to
  at 37%            1,033           62       (1,562)         (193)         (60)            56           419          (2)
             ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------
    income       $ 35,512     $ 35,508      $ 34,691      $ 30,131     $ 24,714      $ 23,572      $ 22,260     $ 20,191
             ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========

   share           $ 1.12       $ 1.11        $ 1.10        $ 0.96       $ 0.79        $ 0.76        $ 0.72       $ 0.65
  ing          31,584,326   31,868,441    31,539,119    31,423,187   31,180,146    31,038,088    31,024,455   31,088,428

   revenue      $ 103,262    $ 100,135     $ 100,268      $ 92,373     $ 87,888      $ 86,296      $ 80,107     $ 75,005
  nt                3,729      (7,426)       (7,329)       (9,336)      (6,898)         6,546         1,880       15,137
  nt                  182          191           242           322          507           590           804        1,036
   losses         (6,433)        4,942         3,433         3,766        (167)      (14,252)       (8,278)     (20,782)
   claims         (5,212)      (4,513)       (5,148)       (4,829)      (4,809)       (2,650)            13          (9)
             ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------
    revenue      $ 95,528     $ 93,329      $ 91,466      $ 82,296     $ 76,521      $ 76,530      $ 74,526     $ 70,387
             ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========

   debt         $ 492,069    $ 510,123     $ 562,663     $ 604,863    $ 624,279     $ 665,635     $ 706,637    $ 686,148
  equity          514,364      474,984       428,377       388,242      352,562       331,402       308,990      295,771
  nt                5,619        5,394        10,134        15,243       21,829        18,643        18,002        9,326
  nt                (583)        (697)         (834)       (1,012)      (1,274)       (1,609)       (2,048)      (2,626)
             ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------
    capital   $ 1,011,469    $ 989,804   $ 1,000,340   $ 1,007,336    $ 997,396   $ 1,014,071   $ 1,031,581    $ 988,619
             ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========

   as a
  ge of
   capital          37.8%        37.7%         36.6%         32.7%        30.7%         30.2%         28.9%        28.5%
             ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========

   income        $ 35,512     $ 35,508      $ 34,691      $ 30,131     $ 24,714      $ 23,572      $ 22,260     $ 20,191
  ax)               7,374        5,767         5,225         4,736        5,205         6,994         7,081        6,602
             ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------
   tax)          $ 42,886     $ 41,275      $ 39,916      $ 34,867     $ 29,919      $ 30,566      $ 29,341     $ 26,793
             ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========

    (1)             17.0%        16.7%         16.0%         13.9%        12.0%         12.1%         11.4%        10.8%
             ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========

   capital          17.0%        16.7%         16.0%         13.9%        12.0%         12.1%         11.4%        10.8%
  Cost of
   (2)               7.9%         7.3%          6.9%          6.6%         6.0%          6.3%          6.5%         6.4%
             ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------
   of cost
   capital           9.1%         9.4%          9.1%          7.3%         6.0%          5.8%          4.9%         4.4%
   capital    $ 1,011,469    $ 989,804   $ 1,000,340   $ 1,007,336    $ 997,396   $ 1,014,071   $ 1,031,581    $ 988,619
             ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------
    profit       $ 23,036     $ 23,205      $ 22,515      $ 18,493     $ 14,886      $ 14,559      $ 12,628     $ 10,957
             ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========

   wages         $ 16,110     $ 16,395      $ 16,862      $ 16,515     $ 17,121      $ 17,788      $ 16,766     $ 16,699
  rative            6,542        7,633         7,869         6,894        7,995         6,795         6,977        6,627
  g                 4,810        3,788         3,533         3,566        3,921         3,446         4,103        4,556
             ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------
   s             $ 27,462     $ 27,816      $ 28,264      $ 26,975     $ 29,037      $ 28,029      $ 27,846     $ 27,882
             ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========

   as a
  ge of
   capital          10.9%        11.2%         11.3%         10.7%        11.6%         11.1%         10.8%        11.3%
             ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========

  e change
   to the
   in the
   year              1.4%        -2.4%         -3.0%          1.9%        15.2%         30.4%         42.3%        39.6%
             ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============  ===========

  (1)  Adjusted return on capital is defined as annualized adjusted net income plus adjusted interest expense after-tax
   divided by adjusted average capital.
  (2) The cost of capital includes both a cost of equity and a cost of debt. The cost of equity capital is determined
   based on a formula that considers the risk of the business and the risk associated with our use of debt. The formula
   utilized for determining the cost of equity capital is as follows: (the average 30 year treasury rate + 5%) + [(1 --
   tax rate) x (the average 30 year treasury rate + 5% -- pre-tax average cost of debt rate) x average debt/(average
   equity + average debt x tax rate)]. For the periods presented, the average 30 year treasury rate and the adjusted
   pre-tax average cost of debt were as follows:

                                                              Three Months Ended

                                               Mar.   Dec.  Sept.  Jun.  Mar.  Dec.  Sept.  Jun.
                                               31,     31,   30,    30,   31,   31,   30,    30,
                                               2010   2009   2009  2009  2009  2008   2008  2008
                                              ------  ----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  ----

  Average 30 year treasury rate                 4.6%  4.3%   4.2%  4.1%  3.5%  3.8%   4.5%  4.4%

  Adjusted pre-tax average cost of debt         9.5%  7.2%   5.9%  5.0%  5.3%  6.7%   6.4%  6.1%

Floating Yield Adjustment

The purpose of this adjustment is to modify the calculation of our GAAP-based finance charge revenue so that favorable and unfavorable changes in expected cash flows from loans receivable are treated consistently. To make the adjustment understandable, we must first explain how GAAP requires us to account for finance charge revenue, our primary revenue source.

Finance charge revenue equals the cash inflows from our loan portfolio less cash outflows to acquire the loans. Our GAAP finance charge revenue is based on estimates of future cash flows and is recognized on a level-yield basis over the estimated life of the loan. With the level-yield approach, the amount of finance charge revenue recognized from a loan in a given period, divided by the loan asset, is a constant percentage. Under GAAP, favorable changes in expected cash flows are treated as increases to the yield and are recognized over time, while unfavorable changes are recorded as a current period expense. The non-GAAP methodology that we use (the "floating yield" method) is identical to the GAAP approach except that, under the "floating yield" method, all changes in expected cash flows (both positive and negative) are treated as yield adjustments and therefore impact earnings over time. The GAAP treatment always results in a lower carrying value of the loan receivable asset, but may result in either higher or lower earnings for any given period depending on the timing and amount of expected cash flow changes.

We believe adjusted earnings, which include the floating yield adjustment, are a more accurate reflection of the performance of our business, since both favorable and unfavorable changes in estimated cash flows are treated consistently.

Program Fee Yield Adjustment

The purpose of this adjustment is to make revenue from program fees comparable across time periods. In 2001, we began charging dealer-partners a monthly program fee. Effective January 1, 2007, we implemented a change in the way these fees are charged designed to positively impact dealer-partner attrition. We continue to charge a monthly program fee, but instead of collecting the fee in the current period, we collect it from future dealer holdback payments.

As a result of this change, (as of January 1, 2007) we record program fees on a GAAP basis as a yield adjustment, recognizing these fees as finance charge revenue over the term of the dealer loan because collection is dependent on the future cash flows of the loan. Previously, we had recorded the fee as program fee revenue in the month the fee was charged. The current GAAP treatment is more consistent with the cash economics of the business.

To allow for proper comparisons between periods, we make an adjustment to our financial results as though program fees had always been recorded as a yield adjustment. The program fee yield adjustment is immaterial for 2010 and future periods.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

We claim the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 for all of our forward-looking statements. Statements in this release that are not historical facts, such as those using terms like "may," "will," "should," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "assume," "forecast," "estimate," "intend," "plan," "target" and those regarding our future results, plans and objectives, are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. These forward-looking statements represent our outlook only as of the date of this release. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements since the statements are based on our current expectations, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors that might cause such a difference include, but are not limited to, the factors set forth in Item 1A to our Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009, other risk factors discussed herein or listed from time to time in our reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the following:

  --  Our inability to accurately forecast and estimate the amount and timing
      of future collections could have a material adverse effect on results of

  --  We may be unable to execute our business strategy due to current
      economic conditions.

  --  We may be unable to continue to access or renew funding sources and
      obtain capital needed to maintain and grow our business.

  --  The terms of our debt limit how we conduct our business.

  --  The conditions of the U.S. and international capital markets may
      adversely affect lenders with which we have relationships, causing us to
      incur additional costs and reducing our sources of liquidity, which may
      adversely affect our financial position, liquidity and results of

  --  Our substantial debt could negatively impact our business, prevent us
      from satisfying our debt obligations and adversely affect our financial

  --  Due to competition from traditional financing sources and
      non-traditional lenders, we may not be able to compete successfully.

  --  We may not be able to generate sufficient cash flows to service our
      outstanding debt and fund operations and may be forced to take other
      actions to satisfy our obligations under such debt.

  --  Interest rate fluctuations may adversely affect our borrowing costs,
      profitability and liquidity.

  --  Reduction in our credit rating could increase the cost of our funding
      from, and restrict our access to, the capital markets and adversely
      affect our liquidity, financial condition and results of operations.

  --  We may incur substantially more debt and other liabilities. This could
      exacerbate further the risks associated with our current debt levels.

  --  The regulation to which we are or may become subject could result in a
      material adverse effect on our business.

  --  Adverse changes in economic conditions, the automobile or finance
      industries, or the non-prime consumer market could adversely affect our
      financial position, liquidity and results of operations, the ability of
      key vendors that we depend on to supply us with services, and our
      ability to enter into future financing transactions.

  --  Litigation we are involved in from time to time may adversely affect our
      financial condition, results of operations and cash flows.

  --  Our operations are dependent on technology.

  --  We are dependent on our senior management and the loss of any of these
      individuals or an inability to hire additional team members could
      adversely affect our ability to operate profitably.

  --  Our reputation is a key asset to our business, and our business may be
      affected by how we are perceived in the marketplace.

  --  The concentration of our dealer-partners in several states could
      adversely affect us.

  --  Failure to properly safeguard confidential consumer information could
      subject us to liability, decrease our profitability and damage our

  --  Our founder controls a majority of our common stock, has the ability to
      control matters requiring shareholder approval and has interests which
      may conflict with the interests of our other security holders.

  --  Reliance on our outsourced business functions could adversely affect our

  --  Natural disasters, acts of war, terrorist attacks and threats or the
      escalation of military activity in response to these attacks or
      otherwise may negatively affect our business, financial condition and
      results of operations.

Other factors not currently anticipated by management may also materially and adversely affect our results of operations. We do not undertake, and expressly disclaim any obligation, to update or alter our statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

Description of Credit Acceptance Corporation

Since 1972, Credit Acceptance has provided auto loans to consumers, regardless of their credit history. Our product is offered through a nationwide network of automobile dealers who benefit from sales of vehicles to consumers who otherwise could not obtain financing; from repeat and referral sales generated by these same customers; and from sales to customers responding to advertisements for our product, but who actually end up qualifying for traditional financing.

Without our product, consumers are often unable to purchase a vehicle or they purchase an unreliable one. Further, as we report to the three national credit reporting agencies, an important ancillary benefit of our program is that we provide a significant number of our consumers with an opportunity to improve their lives by improving their credit score and move on to more traditional sources of financing. Credit Acceptance is publicly traded on the NASDAQ under the symbol CACC. For more information, visit


  (Dollars in thousands,        Three Months Ended
   except per share data)           March 31,

                                2010         2009
                             -----------  -----------
   Finance charges              $ 89,663     $ 76,726
   Premiums earned                 7,704        6,460

   Other income                    5,895        4,702
                             -----------  -----------

     Total revenue               103,262       87,888
                             -----------  -----------

  Costs and expenses:
   Salaries and wages             16,110       17,121
   General and
    administrative                 6,542        7,995
   Sales and marketing             4,810        3,921
   Provision for credit
    losses                         6,426          164
   Interest                       11,705        7,923

   Provision for claims            5,212        4,809
                             -----------  -----------
     Total costs and
      expenses                    50,805       41,933
                             -----------  -----------
  Income from continuing
   operations before
   provision for income
   taxes                          52,457       45,955
                             -----------  -----------
   Provision for income
    taxes                         20,442       16,943
                             -----------  -----------
  Income from continuing
   operations                     32,015       29,012
                             -----------  -----------
  Discontinued operations
   Loss from discontinued
    United Kingdom
    operations                       (5)         (15)
   Provision (benefit) for
    income taxes                      --          (4)
                             -----------  -----------
  Loss from discontinued
   operations                        (5)         (11)
                             -----------  -----------

  Net income                    $ 32,010     $ 29,001
                             ===========  ===========

  Net income per common

   Basic                          $ 1.03       $ 0.95
                             ===========  ===========

   Diluted                        $ 1.01       $ 0.93
                             ===========  ===========

  Income from continuing
   operations per common

   Basic                          $ 1.03       $ 0.95
                             ===========  ===========

   Diluted                        $ 1.01       $ 0.93
                             ===========  ===========

  Loss from discontinued
   operations per common

   Basic                            $ --         $ --
                             ===========  ===========

   Diluted                          $ --         $ --
                             ===========  ===========

  Weighted average shares
   Basic                      31,042,495   30,479,665
   Diluted                    31,584,326   31,180,146


  (Dollars in thousands, except
   per share data)                             As of

                                     March 31,    December 31,
                                        2010          2009
                                    ------------  ------------
  Cash and cash equivalents              $ 1,602       $ 2,170
  Restricted cash and cash
   equivalents                            87,148        82,456
  Restricted securities available
   for sale                                3,072         3,121

  Loans receivable (including
   $11,952 and $12,674 from
   affiliates as of March 31, 2010
   and December 31, 2009,
   respectively)                       1,211,486     1,167,558

  Allowance for credit losses          (123,144)     (117,545)
                                    ------------  ------------

   Loans receivable, net               1,088,342     1,050,013
                                    ------------  ------------

  Property and equipment, net             18,324        18,735
  Income taxes receivable                    787         3,956

  Other assets                            28,481        15,785
                                    ------------  ------------

   Total Assets                      $ 1,227,756   $ 1,176,236
                                    ============  ============

   Accounts payable and accrued
    liabilities                        $ 102,582      $ 77,295
   Line of credit                         28,400        97,300
   Secured financing                     221,167       404,597
   Mortgage note and capital lease
    obligations                            4,875         5,082
   Senior notes                          243,845            --
   Deferred income taxes, net             88,251        93,752

   Income taxes payable                    7,852            --
                                    ------------  ------------

     Total Liabilities                   696,972       678,026
                                    ------------  ------------

  Shareholders' Equity:
   Preferred stock, $.01 par
    value, 1,000,000 shares
    authorized, none issued                   --            --
   Common stock, $.01 par value,
    80,000,000 shares authorized,
    31,012,513 and 31,038,217
    shares issued and outstanding
    as of March 31, 2010 and
    December 31, 2009,
    respectively                             310           311
   Paid-in capital                        24,631        24,370
   Retained earnings                     506,443       474,433
   Accumulated other comprehensive
    loss, net of tax of $348 and
    $526 at March 31, 2010 and
    December 31, 2009,
    respectively                           (600)         (904)
                                    ------------  ------------

     Total Shareholders' Equity          530,784       498,210
                                    ------------  ------------
     Total Liabilities and
      Shareholders' Equity           $ 1,227,756   $ 1,176,236
                                    ============  ============

This news release was distributed by GlobeNewswire,

SOURCE: Credit Acceptance Corporation

CONTACT:  Credit Acceptance Corporation
Investor Relations:
Douglas W. Busk, Senior Vice President and Treasurer
(248) 353-2700 Ext. 4432

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