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Nov 1, 2004

Credit Acceptance Announces 3rd Quarter Earnings

Credit Acceptance Announces 3rd Quarter Earnings

SOUTHFIELD, Mich., Nov. 1, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Credit Acceptance Corporation (NasdaqNM: CACC) (the "Company") announced consolidated net income for the three months ended September 30, 2004 of $12,742,000 or $0.31 per diluted share compared to $8,818,000 or $0.20 per diluted share for the same period in 2003. For the nine months ended September 30, 2004, consolidated net income was $26,878,000 or $0.65 per diluted share compared to $18,419,000 or $0.43 per diluted share for the same period in 2003.

The increase in consolidated net income for the three months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the same period in 2003 was primarily due to: (i) an increase in finance charge income due to increases in the average annualized yield on the loan portfolio and the average size of the loan portfolio during 2004 and (ii) an increase in foreign exchange gain due to an increase in the fair value of forward contracts during 2004. Partially offsetting these items was a decrease in ancillary product income due to the Company's change in accounting policy during the first quarter of 2004 for recognizing income on third party vehicle service contracts sold.

The increase in consolidated net income for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared to the same period in 2003 was primarily due to: (i) an increase in finance charge income due to increases in the average size of the loan portfolio and the average annualized yield on the loan portfolio during 2004 and (ii) the United Kingdom impairment expenses recognized during the second quarter of 2003. Partially offsetting these items were: (i) a decrease in ancillary product income due to the Company's change in accounting policy during the first quarter of 2004 for recognizing income on third-party vehicle service contracts sold and (ii) an increase in the provision for credit losses primarily due to the Company's change in estimate during the first quarter of 2004 for recording losses on its loan portfolio and the Company's revised methodology during the first quarter of 2004 for calculating finance charge income and the related provision for earned but unpaid servicing fees.

Excluding the impact of certain items detailed in the table below, consolidated adjusted net income for the three months ended September 30, 2004 was $13,193,000 or $0.32 per diluted share compared to $9,197,000 or $0.21 per diluted share for the same period in 2003. The increase was primarily due to: (i) an increase in finance charge income due to increases in the average annualized yield on the loan portfolio and the average size of the loan portfolio during 2004 and (ii) an increase in ancillary product income due to increases in revenue per vehicle service contract sold and the number of third party vehicle service contract products sold during 2004.

Excluding the impact of certain items detailed in the table below, consolidated adjusted net income for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 was $37,239,000 or $0.90 per diluted share compared to $24,638,000 or $0.57 per diluted share for the same period in 2003. The increase was primarily due to: (i) an increase in finance charge income due to increases in the average size of the loan portfolio and the average annualized yield on the loan portfolio during 2004 and (ii) a decrease in the provision for credit losses inherent in the loan portfolio due to recoveries on previously charged-off loans exceeding credit losses during 2004.

Reconciliation of Reported Net Income to Adjusted Net Income

The Company's reported net income includes certain items set forth in the table below that the Company believes should be considered in measuring the performance of the business when comparing current period results with the same period in the prior year. Management believes this information is important because it allows shareholders to better compare results between periods and make more informed assumptions about future results. In addition, the Company uses adjusted net income for performance purposes in determining bonus compensation paid under the Company's incentive compensation plans. The following table reconciles reported net income to adjusted net income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003:

 (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                         Three Months Ended      Nine Months Ended
                            September 30,          September 30,
                      ----------------------- -----------------------
                          2004        2003        2004       2003
                      ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
 Reported net income  $    12,742 $     8,818 $    26,878 $    18,419
 Inclusion of dealer
  holdback in estimate
  of losses on the
  loan portfolio (1)           --          --       6,110          --
 Revised methodology
  for recognizing
  finance charges (1)          --          --       2,282          --
 Foreign exchange
  (gain) loss due to
  forward contracts (2)      (439)        702      (1,128)        702
 United Kingdom
  expenses (3)                 --          --          --       7,238
 Interest income from
  Internal Revenue
  Service (3)                  --          --          --        (400)
                      ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
 Net income excluding
  certain items       $    12,303 $     9,520 $    34,142 $    25,959
 Change in vehicle
  service contract
  revenue if new policy
  had been retro-
  actively applied (4)        890        (323)      3,097      (1,321)
                      ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
 Adjusted net income  $    13,193 $     9,197 $    37,239 $    24,638
                      =========== =========== =========== ===========
 Diluted weighted
  average shares
  outstanding          40,943,604  43,959,924  41,506,320  43,247,518
 Adjusted net income
  per diluted share   $      0.32 $      0.21 $      0.90 $      0.57
                      =========== =========== =========== ===========

 (1) These items represent changes in estimates or changes in
     methodology that impacted the accounting for finance charges and
     the allowance for credit losses during the first quarter of 2004.
     Refer to Note 2 of the Consolidated Financial Statements included
     in the Company's Form 10-Q for further information.

 (2) This item represents a current year gain and a prior year loss,
     which are offset by changes in shareholders' equity due to the
     changes in value of foreign currency denominated assets.

 (3) The Company expects items of this type to be infrequent.

 (4) This adjustment allows the reader to compare the current year to
     the prior year assuming a consistent accounting treatment of
     vehicle service contract revenue. While the accounting treatment
     of vehicle service contract revenue changed as a result of facts
     arising in the first quarter of 2004, the timing of cash flows
     generated from vehicle service contract revenue has not
     materially changed under the agreements entered into during the
     first quarter. Refer to Note 2 of the Consolidated Financial
     Statements included in the Company's Form 10-Q for further

 Segment Information
 (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                  Three Months Ended September 30,                      
                                  2004           2003       % Change           
                              ------------    ------------  --------
 Reported Net Income (Loss)
 United States                $     12,574    $      8,142     54.4%
 United Kingdom                        156             861    (81.9)
 Automobile Leasing                    206             (69)   398.6
 Other                                (194)           (116)   (67.2)
                              ------------    ------------    -----
  Consolidated                $     12,742    $      8,818     44.5%
                              ============    ============    =====

 Reported Net Income (Loss)
 Per Diluted Share
 United States                $       0.31    $       0.19     63.2%
 United Kingdom                         --            0.01    (100.0)
 Automobile Leasing                     --              --       -- 
 Other                                  --              --       -- 
                              ------------    ------------    -----
  Consolidated                $       0.31    $       0.20     55.0%
                              ============    ============    =====

 Diluted shares outstanding     40,943,604      43,959,924

                                  Nine Months Ended September 30,
                                  2004           2003       % Change           
                              ------------    ------------  --------
 Reported Net Income (Loss)
 United States                $     26,017    $     24,325      7.0%
 United Kingdom                        568          (5,427)   110.5
 Automobile Leasing                    742            (539)   237.7
 Other                                (449)             60    (848.3)
                              ------------    ------------    -----
  Consolidated                $     26,878    $     18,419     45.9%
                              ============    ============    =====

 Reported Net Income (Loss)
 Per Diluted Share
 United States                $       0.63    $       0.56     12.5%
 United Kingdom                       0.01           (0.12)   108.3
 Automobile Leasing                   0.02           (0.01)   300.0
 Other                               (0.01)             --       -- 
                              ------------    ------------    -----
  Consolidated                $       0.65    $       0.43     51.2%
                              ============    ============    =====

 Diluted shares outstanding     41,506,320      43,247,518

 Loan Originations (1)
 (Dollars in thousands)

                    Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                       September 30,              September 30,
                 -------------------------  -------------------------
                                      %                          %
                   2004      2003   Change    2004      2003   Change
                 --------  -------- ------  --------  -------- ------
  originations   $240,236  $188,053  27.7%  $754,635  $586,412  28.7%
 Number of loans
  originated       18,375    15,545  18.2     59,484    48,487  22.7
 Number of
  active dealer-
  partners (2)        957       724  32.2      1,074       824  30.3
 Loans per
  active dealer-
  partner            19.2      21.5 (10.6)      55.4      58.8  (5.9)
 Average loan
  size           $   13.1  $   12.1   8.1   $   12.7  $   12.1   4.9

 (1) Loan origination information relates to the United States, the
     Company's only business segment that continues to originate new

 (2) Active dealer-partners are dealer-partners who submitted at least
     one loan during the period.

 Loan Portfolio Performance

 The following information relates to the loan portfolio performance in
 the United States segment, the CompanyÂ's only business segment that
 continues to originate new loans.

 The following summarizes the future loan payment inflows and dealer
 holdback outflows estimated by the Company as well as the estimated
 present values of these net cash flows:

 (In thousands)                    Estimate as of      Estimate as of
                                 September 30, 2004    June 30, 2004
                                 ------------------    --------------
 Loan payments                        $857,237             $827,532
 Dealer holdback payments              211,827              213,453
                                      --------             --------
 Net cash flow                        $645,410             $614,079
                                      ========             ========
 Present value of net cash flow (1)   $518,432             $494,282
                                      ========             ========

 (1) Calculated utilizing a discount rate comparable with the rate
     used to calculate the Company's allowance for credit losses under
     accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
     (GAAP) (approximately 30% as of September 30, 2004 and June 30,

 The estimated present value of future cash flows from loans, less the
 related dealer holdback liability, is higher than the adjusted net
 investment in loans on the CompanyÂ's balance sheet as of September 30,
 2004 and June 30, 2004, respectively, as follows:

 (In thousands)                                 As of        As of
                                            September 30,   June 30,
                                                 2004         2004
                                              ---------    ---------
 Consolidated loans receivable , net          $ 979,491    $ 939,748
 Consolidated dealer holdbacks                  501,161      475,415
                                              ---------    ---------
 Net investment in loans before adjustments     478,330      464,333
 Less: portion related to United Kingdom
  and Canada                                    (11,198)     (17,167)
 Plus: repossessed assets and other               7,869        6,795
                                              ---------    ---------
 Adjusted net investment in loans               475,001      453,961
 Estimated present value of future
  cash flows from loans receivable, less
  estimated dealer holdback payments            518,432      494,282
                                              ---------    ---------
 Excess of estimated present value of
  future cash flows over recorded
  net investment (pretax) (1)                 $  43,431    $  40,321
                                              =========    =========

 (1) While the table above presents the difference between the
     recorded net investment and the estimated present value of future
     cash flows, a wide range of actual results is possible. Given the
     large dollar amount of the estimated present value of future cash
     flows, even a modest percentage change in the Company's forecast
     would likely result in a large change in the reported variances
     between the Company's recorded net investment and the present
     value of estimated future cash flows.

There are two primary reasons why the Company's recorded net investment in loans receivable is less than the present value of future cash flows. First, under GAAP, while the Company records an allowance for credit losses for any dealer-partner loan pool that exceeds the estimated present value of future cash flows, the Company does not "write-up" loan pools carried at less than the present value of future cash flows. Second, under GAAP, the Company records recoveries as received while the estimated present value of future cash flows includes estimated future recoveries. Recoveries consist of collections on previously charged off receivables.

The amount by which the estimated present value of future cash flows exceeds the recorded net investment ("excess") increased from $40.3 million to $43.4 million during the period. The Company does not believe the increase is significant at this time, considering the large dollar amount of the estimates involved and the normal quarterly volatility of the forecast from which the estimate is created. The longer term pattern of increase or decrease in the "excess" will provide more meaningful data and should be considered when additional data points are available.

The following table compares the Company's forecast of collection rates for loans originated by year as of September 30, 2004 with the forecast as of December 31, 2003:

       September 30, 2004        December 31, 2003
           Forecasted                Forecasted 
 Year     Collection %              Collection %       Variance
 ----  ------------------        -----------------     --------
 1992       81.7%                      81.5%              0.2%
 1993       75.9%                      75.7%              0.2%
 1994       62.0%                      61.8%              0.2%
 1995       55.3%                      55.2%              0.1%
 1996       55.4%                      55.3%              0.1%
 1997       58.5%                      58.1%              0.4%
 1998       67.6%                      67.2%              0.4%
 1999       71.9%                      71.5%              0.4%
 2000       72.1%                      71.7%              0.4%
 2001       67.1%                      67.0%              0.1%
 2002       69.1%                      69.4%             -0.3%
 2003       72.3%                      72.8%             -0.5%

 The Company made no material changes in credit policy or pricing in the
 third quarter of 2004, other than routine changes designed to maintain
 current profitability levels.

 Adjusted Return on Capital
 (Dollars in thousands)

                            Three Months Ended    Nine Months Ended
                               September 30,         September 30,
                            -------------------   -------------------
                              2004       2003       2004       2003
                            --------   --------   --------   --------
 Average debt               $180,208   $109,205   $156,861   $102,919

 Average shareholders'
  equity                     314,486    338,935    318,756    335,020
                            --------   --------   --------   --------
 Average capital            $494,694   $448,140   $475,617   $437,939
                            ========   ========   ========   ========

 Adjusted return on capital is equal to adjusted net operating profit
 after-tax (adjusted net income plus interest expense after-tax)
 divided by average capital as follows:

 (Dollars in thousands)
                            Three Months Ended    Nine Months Ended
                               September 30,         September 30,
                            -------------------   -------------------
                              2004       2003       2004       2003
                            --------   --------   --------   --------
 Adjusted net income        $ 13,193   $  9,197   $ 37,239   $ 24,638

 Interest expense after-tax    1,850      1,474      5,083      3,422
                            --------   --------   --------   --------
 Adjusted net operating
  profit after-tax          $ 15,043   $ 10,671   $ 42,322   $ 28,060
                            ========   ========   ========   ========

 Average capital            $494,694   $448,140   $475,617   $437,939
                            ========   ========   ========   ========
 Adjusted return on capital     12.2%       9.5%      11.9%       8.5%

 Adjusted Economic Profit

The Company defines adjusted economic profit as adjusted net operating profit after-tax less an imputed cost of equity. Adjusted economic profit measures how efficiently the Company utilizes capital. To consider the cost of both debt and equity, the Company's calculation of adjusted economic profit deducts from adjusted net income a cost of equity equal to 10% of average equity, which approximates the S&P 500's rate of return since 1965. Management uses economic profit to assess the Company's performance as well as to make capital allocation decisions. Management believes this information is important to shareholders because it allows shareholders to compare the returns earned by the Company investing capital in its core business with the return they could expect if the Company returned capital to shareholders and they invested in other securities.

 The following table presents the calculation of the Company's
 adjusted economic profit (loss) for the periods indicated (dollars
 in thousands, except per share data):

                      Three Months Ended        Nine Months Ended
                         September 30,             September 30,
                    -----------------------   -----------------------
                       2004         2003         2004         2003
                    ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
 Adjusted economic
 Adjusted net
  income (1)        $   13,193   $    9,197   $   37,239   $   24,638
 Imputed cost
  of equity
  at 10% (2)            (7,862)      (8,473)     (23,907)     (25,127)
                    ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
  Total adjusted
   economic profit
   (loss)           $    5,331   $      724   $   13,332   $     (489)
                    ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
 Diluted weighted
  average shares
  outstanding       40,943,604   43,959,924   41,506,320   43,247,518
 Adjusted economic
  profit (loss)
  per diluted
  share (3)         $     0.13   $     0.02   $     0.32   $    (0.01)

 (1) Adjusted net income from the Reconciliation of Reported Net
     Income to Adjusted Net Income.

 (2) Cost of equity is equal to 10% (on an annual basis) of average
     shareholders' equity, which was $314,486,000 and $318,756,000 for
     the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2004,
     respectively, and $338,935,000 and $335,020,000 for the same
     periods in 2003.

 (3) Adjusted economic profit (loss) per share equals the adjusted
     economic profit (loss) divided by the diluted weighted average
     number of shares outstanding.

Refer to the Company's Form 10-Q, which will be filed today with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and will appear on the Company's website at for a complete discussion of the results of operations and financial data for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2004.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Information

Certain statements in this release that are not historical facts, such as those using terms like "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "assumptions," "forecasts," "estimates" and those regarding the Company's future results, plans and objectives, are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. These forward-looking statements represent the Company's outlook only as of the date of this release. While the Company believes that its forward-looking statements are reasonable, actual results could differ materially since the statements are based on current expectations, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors that might cause such a difference include the following:

 -   the Company's potential inability to accurately forecast and
     estimate the amount and timing of future collections,

 -   increased competition from traditional financing sources and from
     non-traditional lenders,

 -   the unavailability of funding at competitive rates of interest,

 -   the Company's potential inability to continue to obtain third
     party financing on favorable terms,

 -   the Company's potential inability to generate sufficient cash
     flow to service its debt and fund its future operations,

 -   adverse changes in applicable laws and regulations,

 -   adverse changes in economic conditions,

 -   adverse changes in the automobile or finance industries or in the
     non-prime consumer finance market,

 -   the Company's potential inability to maintain or increase the
     volume of automobile loans,

 -   an increase in the amount or severity of litigation against the

 -   the loss of key management personnel or the inability to hire
     qualified personnel,

 -   the effect of terrorist attacks and potential attacks, and

 -   various other factors discussed in the Company's reports filed
     with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Other factors not currently anticipated by management may also materially and adversely affect the Company's results of operations. The Company does not undertake, and expressly disclaims any obligation, to update or alter its statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

Description of Credit Acceptance Corporation

Since 1972, Credit Acceptance has provided auto loans to consumers, regardless of their credit history. Our product is offered through a nationwide network of automobile dealers who benefit by selling vehicles to consumers who otherwise could not obtain financing, by repeat and referral sales generated by these same customers, and from sales to customers responding to advertisements for our product, but who actually end up qualifying for traditional financing.

Without our product, consumers are often unable to purchase a vehicle or they purchase an unreliable one and are not provided the opportunity to improve their credit standing. As we report to the three national credit reporting agencies, a significant number of our customers improve their lives by improving their credit score and move on to more traditional sources of financing. Credit Acceptance is publicly traded on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol CACC. For more information, visit


                    Consolidated Income Statements
             (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                     Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                         September 30,             September 30,
                   ------------------------  ------------------------
                       2004         2003         2004        2003
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
  Finance charges  $    34,830  $    25,770  $    95,790  $    76,457
  Ancillary product
   income                3,047        4,369        8,373       14,336
  Lease revenue            271        1,251        1,323        5,371
  Other income           5,051        4,609       14,523       12,866
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
   Total revenue        43,199       35,999      120,009      109,030
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 Costs and
  Salaries and
   wages                 9,807        7,879       27,566       25,083
  General and
   administrative        5,181        4,679       15,601       15,361
  Provision for
   credit losses         2,098        2,303       16,832        9,354
  Sales and
   marketing             3,026        2,023        8,591        6,813
  Interest               2,846        2,267        7,820        5,264
   expense                 747        1,027        2,178        2,830
  United Kingdom
   asset impairment         --           --           --       10,493
  Other expense            270        1,182        1,050        4,205
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
   Total costs and
    expenses            23,975       21,360       79,638       79,403
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 Operating income       19,224       14,639       40,371       29,627
  Foreign exchange
   gain (loss)             674       (1,066)       1,731       (1,037)
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 Income before
  provision for
  income taxes          19,898       13,573       42,102       28,590
 Provision for
  income taxes           7,156        4,755       15,224       10,171
                   -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 Net income        $    12,742  $     8,818  $    26,878  $    18,419
                   ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
 Net income per
  common share:
   Basic           $      0.33  $      0.21  $      0.69  $      0.44
                   ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
   Diluted         $      0.31  $      0.20  $      0.65  $      0.43
                   ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
 Weighted average
   Basic            38,679,011   42,315,027   39,234,974   42,329,722
   Diluted          40,943,604   43,959,924   41,506,320   43,247,518


                     Consolidated Balance Sheets
            (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                                     As of
                                           September 30,  December 31,
                                               2004          2003
                                            ----------    ----------

 Cash and cash equivalents                  $   20,254    $   36,044

 Loans receivable                            1,017,050       875,417
 Allowance for credit losses                   (37,559)      (17,615)
                                            ----------    ----------
  Loans receivable, net                        979,491       857,802
                                            ----------    ----------
 Notes, lines of credit and floorplan
  receivables, net (including $1,635 and
  $1,583 from affiliates as of September
  30, 2004 and December 31, 2003,
  respectively)                                  4,868         6,562
 Investment in operating leases, net             1,379         4,447
 Property and equipment, net                    19,588        18,503
 Income taxes receivable                         1,188         5,795
 Other assets                                   17,387        14,627
                                            ----------    ----------
  Total Assets                              $1,044,155    $  943,780
                                            ==========    ==========


  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities  $   41,388    $   33,117
  Dealer holdbacks, net                        501,161       423,861
  Line of credit                                58,700            --
  Secured financing                            140,000       100,000
  Mortgage note and capital lease
   obligations                                  10,148         6,467
  Deferred income taxes, net                     9,765        24,529
                                            ----------    ----------
   Total Liabilities                           761,162       587,974
                                            ----------    ----------
 Shareholders' Equity:
  Preferred stock, $ .01 par value,
   1,000,000 shares authorized, none issued         --            --
  Common stock, $ .01 par value,
   80,000,000 shares authorized,
   36,807,382 and 42,128,087 shares issued
   and outstanding as of September 30,
   2004 and December 31, 2003, respectively        368           421
  Paid-in capital                               26,644       125,078
  Retained earnings                            253,917       227,039
  Accumulated other comprehensive income
   - cumulative translation adjustment           2,064         3,268
                                            ----------    ----------
   Total Shareholders' Equity                  282,993       355,806
                                            ----------    ----------
   Total Liabilities and
    Shareholders' Equity                    $1,044,155    $  943,780
                                            ==========    ==========


Credit Acceptance Corporation, Southfield
Investor Relations:
Douglas W. Busk, Treasurer
(248) 353-2700 Ext. 4432

Source: Credit Acceptance Corporation