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Aug 4, 2004

Credit Acceptance Announces 2nd Quarter Earnings

SOUTHFIELD, Mich., Aug 4, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Credit Acceptance Corporation (Nasdaq:CACC) Credit Acceptance Corporation (the "Company") announced consolidated net income for the three months ended June 30, 2004 of $12,606,000 or $0.30 per diluted share compared to $1,008,000 or $0.02 per diluted share for the same period in 2003. For the six months ended June 30, 2004, consolidated net income was $14,136,000 or $0.34 per diluted share compared to $9,601,000 or $0.23 per diluted share for the same period in 2003.

The increase in consolidated net income for the three months ended June 30, 2004 compared to the same period in 2003 was primarily due to: (i) the United Kingdom impairment expenses recognized during the second quarter of 2003, (ii) an increase in the size of the loan portfolio due to an increase in loan originations, (iii) an increase in the average annualized yield on the loan portfolio due to a decrease in the percentage of non-accrual loans to total loans, and (iv) a decrease in operating expenses as a percentage of revenue due to increased operational efficiencies. Partially offsetting these items was a decrease in ancillary product income due to the Company's change in policy during the first quarter of 2004 for recognizing income on third-party vehicle service contracts sold.

The increase in consolidated net income for the six months ended June 30, 2004 compared to the same period in 2003 was primarily due to: (i) the United Kingdom impairment expenses recognized during the second quarter of 2003, (ii) an increase in the size of the loan portfolio due an increase in loan originations, and (iii) a decrease in operating expenses as a percentage of revenue due to increased operational efficiencies. Partially offsetting these items were: (i) an increase in the provision for credit losses due to the Company's change in estimate during the first quarter of 2004 for recording losses on its loan portfolio and the Company's revised methodology during the first quarter of 2004 for calculating finance charge income and the related provision for earned but unpaid servicing fees and (ii) a decrease in ancillary product income due to the Company's change in policy during the first quarter of 2004 for recognizing income on third-party vehicle service contracts sold.

Excluding the impact of certain items, consolidated adjusted net income for the three and six months ended June 30, 2004 was $13,047,000 or $0.32 per diluted share and $24,048,000 or $0.58 per diluted share, respectively, compared to $7,933,000 or $0.19 per diluted share and $15,441,000 or $0.36 per diluted share for the same periods in 2003.

The increase in consolidated adjusted net income for the three months ended June 30, 2004 compared to the same period in 2003 was primarily due to: (i) an increase in the size of the loan portfolio due an increase in loan originations, (ii) an increase in the average annualized yield on the loan portfolio due to a decrease in the percentage of non-accrual loans to total loans, and (iii) a decrease in operating expenses as a percentage of revenue due to increased operational efficiencies. The increase in consolidated adjusted net income for the six months ended June 30, 2004 compared to the same period in 2003 is primarily due to: (i) an increase in the size of the loan portfolio due to an increase in loan originations, (ii) a decrease in operating expenses as a percentage of revenue due to increased operational efficiencies, and (iii) a decrease in the provision for credit losses inherent in the loan portfolio due to a favorable trend in loss estimates during 2004.

Reconciliation of Reported Net Income to Adjusted Net Income

The Company's reported net income includes certain items set forth in the table below that the Company believes should be excluded or adjusted in measuring the performance of the business when comparing current period results with the same period in the prior year. Management believes this information is important because it allows shareholders to better compare results between periods and make more informed assumptions about future results. In addition, the Company uses adjusted net income for performance purposes in determining bonus compensation paid under the Company's incentive compensation plans. The following table reconciles reported net income to adjusted net income for the three and six months ended June 30, 2004 and 2003:

                          Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                               June 30,                June 30,
(Dollars in thousands, ----------------------- -----------------------
 except per share data)   2004        2003        2004        2003
                       ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Reported net income       $12,606      $1,008     $14,136      $9,601
Inclusion of dealer
 holdback in estimate
 of losses on the loan
 portfolio (1)                  -           -       6,110           -
Revised methodology for
 recognizing finance
 charges (1)                    -           -       2,282           -
Foreign exchange gain
 due to forward
 contracts (2)               (590)          -        (688)          -
United Kingdom impairment
 expenses (3)                   -       7,238           -       7,238
Interest income from
 Internal Revenue
 Service (3)                    -           -           -        (400)
                       ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
  Net income excluding
   certain items          $12,016      $8,246     $21,840     $16,439
Change in vehicle
 service contract
 revenue if new policy
 had been retroactively
 applied (4)                1,031        (313)      2,208        (998)
                       ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
  Adjusted net income     $13,047      $7,933     $24,048     $15,441
                       =========== =========== =========== ===========
Diluted weighted
 average shares
 outstanding           41,413,308  42,868,265  41,790,255  42,629,844
Adjusted net income per
 diluted share              $0.32       $0.19       $0.58       $0.36
                       =========== =========== =========== ===========

(1) These items represent changes in estimates or changes in
methodology that impact the current year. While these changes impacted
the accounting for finance charges and the allowance for credit losses
during the first quarter of 2004, the timing of cash flows generated
from loan collections has not changed. Refer to Note 2 of the
Consolidated Financial Statements included in the Company's Form 10-Q
for further information.

(2) This item represents a current year gain which is offset by a
reduction in shareholders' equity due to the decline in value of
foreign currency denominated assets.

(3) The Company expects items of this type to be infrequent.

(4) This adjustment allows the reader to compare the current year to
the prior year assuming a consistent accounting treatment of vehicle
service contract revenue. While the accounting treatment of vehicle
service contract revenue changed as a result of facts arising in the
first quarter of 2004, the timing of cash flows generated from vehicle
service contract revenue has not materially changed under the
agreements entered into during the first quarter. Refer to Note 2 of
the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the Company's Form
10-Q for further information.

Segment Information

                                       Three Months Ended June 30,
(Dollars in thousands,             -----------------------------------
except per share data)                2004        2003     % Change
                                   ----------- ----------- ----------

Reported Net Income (Loss)
United States                         $12,341      $8,703      41.8 %
United Kingdom                            186      (7,594)    102.4
Automobile Leasing                        233        (153)    252.3
Other                                    (154)         52    (396.2)
                                   ----------- ----------- ---------
  Consolidated                        $12,606      $1,008   1,150.6 %
                                   =========== =========== =========

Reported Net Income (Loss) Per
 Diluted Share
United States                           $0.29       $0.20      45.0 %
United Kingdom                              -       (0.18)    100.0
Automobile Leasing                       0.01           -       0.0
Other                                       -           -       0.0
                                   ----------- ----------- ---------
  Consolidated                          $0.30       $0.02   1,400.0 %
                                   =========== =========== =========

                                         Six Months Ended June 30,
(Dollars in thousands,               ---------------------------------
except per share data)                  2004        2003     % Change
                                     ----------- ----------- ---------

Reported Net Income (Loss)
United States                           $13,444     $16,181    (16.9)%
United Kingdom                              412      (6,288)   106.6
Automobile Leasing                          537        (468)   214.7
Other                                      (257)        176   (246.0)
                                     ----------- ----------- --------
  Consolidated                          $14,136      $9,601     47.2 %
                                     =========== =========== ========

Reported Net Income (Loss) Per
 Diluted Share
United States                             $0.33       $0.39    (15.4)%
United Kingdom                             0.01       (0.15)   106.7
Automobile Leasing                         0.01       (0.01)   200.0
Other                                     (0.01)          -      0.0
                                     ----------- ----------- --------
  Consolidated                            $0.34       $0.23     47.8 %
                                     =========== =========== ========

    Loan Originations in the United States

(Dollars in thousands)                   Three Months Ended June 30,
                                           2004      2003   % Change
                                        --------- --------- ---------

Loan originations                       $215,103  $184,079     16.9 %
Number of loans originated                17,268    14,736     17.2
Number of active dealer-partners (1)         899       677     32.8
Loans per active dealer-partner             19.2      21.8    (11.8)
Average loan size                          $12.5     $12.5        -

(Dollars in thousands)                      Six Months Ended June 30,
                                            2004      2003   % Change
                                         --------- --------- ---------

Loan originations                        $514,399  $398,359     29.1 %
Number of loans originated                 41,109    32,942     24.8
Number of active dealer-partners (1)          958       721     32.9
Loans per active dealer-partner              42.9      45.7     (6.1)
Average loan size                           $12.5     $12.1      3.5

(1) Active dealer-partners are dealer-partners who submitted at least
one loan during the period.

Loan Portfolio Performance in the United States

The following table compares the Company's forecast of collection rates for loans originated by year as of June 30, 2004 with the forecast as of December 31, 2003:

     Loan                                December 31, 2003
 Origination        June 30, 2004           Forecasted
     Year      Forecasted Collection %      Collection %      Variance
-------------- ----------------------- ---------------------- --------
    1992                 81.6%                  81.5%           0.1%
    1993                 75.8%                  75.7%           0.1%
    1994                 61.9%                  61.8%           0.1%
    1995                 55.1%                  55.2%          -0.1%
    1996                 55.2%                  55.3%          -0.1%
    1997                 58.1%                  58.1%           0.0%
    1998                 67.2%                  67.2%           0.0%
    1999                 71.5%                  71.5%           0.0%
    2000                 71.7%                  71.7%           0.0%
    2001                 66.7%                  67.0%          -0.3%
    2002                 68.9%                  69.4%          -0.5%
    2003                 73.2%                  72.8%           0.4%

The Company made no material changes in credit policy or pricing in the second quarter of 2004, other than routine changes designed to maintain current profitability levels.

The following summarizes the amount of estimated future loan payment inflows and dealer holdback outflows:

(In thousands)                                         Estimate as of
                                                       June 30, 2004

Loan payments                                                $827,532
Dealer holdback payments                                      213,453
Net cash flow                                                $614,079

These estimated cash flows will occur over time. The estimated present value of these net cash flows is $494.3 million utilizing a discount rate of 30%, comparable with the rate used to calculate the Company's allowance for credit losses under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (GAAP).

The estimated present value of future cash flows from loans, less the related dealer holdback liability, is approximately $40.3 million higher than the adjusted net investment in loans on our balance sheet calculated as follows:

                                                   As of June 30, 2004

Consolidated loans receivable, net                           $939,748
Consolidated dealer holdbacks                                 475,415
Net investment in loans before adjustments                    464,333
Less: portion related to United Kingdom and Canada            (17,167)
Plus: repossessed assets and other                              6,795
Adjusted net investment in loans                              453,961
Estimated present value of future cash flows from loans
 receivable, less estimated dealer holdback payments          494,282
Excess of estimated present value of future cash flows
 over recorded net investment (pretax)                        $40,321

There are two primary reasons why the Company's recorded net investment in loans receivable is less than the present value of future cash flows. First, under GAAP, while the Company records an allowance for credit losses for any dealer-partner loan pool that exceeds the present value of future cash flows, the Company does not "write-up" loan pools carried at less than the present value of future cash flows. Second, under GAAP, the Company records recoveries as they are received. Recoveries consist of collections on previously charged off receivables. The present value of future recoveries is included in the estimated cash flow numbers above, but is not yet reflected in the Company's reported GAAP results.

The Company cautions that the above disclosure is based upon a forecast. While the Company believes its forecast is based on reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that the Company's forecast will be accurate. While the table above presents the difference between the recorded net investment and the estimated present value of future cash flows as a single number, a wide range of actual results is possible. Given the large dollar amount of the estimated present value of future cash flows, a modest percentage change in our forecast would likely result in a large change in the reported variance between our recorded net investment and the estimated present value of future cash flows.

    Adjusted Return on Capital

(Dollars in thousands)         Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended
                                     June 30,           June 30,
                               ------------------- -------------------
                                 2004      2003      2004      2003
                               --------- --------- --------- ---------

Average debt                   $164,338  $101,821  $145,580  $101,147

Average shareholders' equity    314,255   336,740   321,425   332,798
                               --------- --------- --------- ---------
Average capital                $478,593  $438,561  $467,005  $433,945
                               ========= ========= ========= =========

Adjusted return on capital is equal to adjusted net operating profit after-tax (adjusted net income plus interest expense after-tax) divided by average capital as follows:

(Dollars in thousands)         Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended
                                    June 30,            June 30,
                               ------------------- -------------------
                                  2004      2003      2004      2003
                               --------- --------- --------- ---------

Adjusted net income             $13,047    $7,933   $24,048   $15,441

Interest expense after-tax        1,542       911     3,232     1,948
                               --------- --------- --------- ---------

Adjusted net operating profit
 after-tax                       14,589     8,844    27,280    17,389
                               ========= ========= ========= =========

Average capital                $478,593  $438,561  $467,005  $433,945
                               ========= ========= ========= =========

Adjusted return on capital         12.2%      8.1%     11.7%      8.0%

Adjusted Economic Profit

The Company defines adjusted economic profit as adjusted net operating profit after-tax less an imputed cost of equity. Adjusted economic profit measures how efficiently the Company utilizes its total capital, both debt and equity. To consider the cost of both debt and equity, the Company's calculation of adjusted economic profit deducts from adjusted net income a cost of equity equal to 10% of average equity, which approximates the S&P 500's rate of return since 1965. Management uses economic profit to assess the Company's performance as well as to make capital allocation decisions. Management believes this information is important to shareholders because it allows shareholders to compare the returns earned by the Company investing capital in its core business with the return they could expect if the Company returned capital to shareholders and they invested in other securities.

The following table presents the calculation of the Company's adjusted economic profit (loss) for the periods indicated (dollars in thousands, except per share data):

                        For the Three Months     For the Six Months
                          Ended June 30,            Ended June 30,
                       ----------------------- -----------------------
                           2004        2003        2004        2003
                       ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Adjusted economic profit
Adjusted net income (1)   $13,047      $7,933     $24,048     $15,441
Imputed cost of equity
 at 10% (2)                (7,856)     (8,419)    (16,071)    (16,640)
                       ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Total adjusted economic
 profit (loss)             $5,191       $(486)     $7,977     $(1,199)
                       =========== =========== =========== ===========

Diluted weighted
 average shares
 outstanding           41,413,308  42,868,265  41,790,255  42,629,844
Adjusted economic
 profit (loss) per
 share (3)                  $0.13      $(0.01)       0.19       (0.03)

(1) Adjusted net income from the Reconciliation of Reported Net Income
to Adjusted Net Income.

(2) Cost of equity is equal to 10% (on an annual basis) of average
shareholders' equity, which was $314,255,000 and $321,425,000 for the
three months and six months ended June 30, 2004, respectively, and
$336,740,000 and $332,798,000 for the same periods in 2003.

(3) Adjusted economic profit (loss) per share equals the adjusted
economic profit (loss) divided by the diluted weighted average number
of shares outstanding.

Refer to the Company's Form 10-Q, which will be filed today with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and will appear on the Company's website at for a complete discussion of the results of operations and financial data for the three and six months ended June 30, 2004.

New Policy for Corporate Information Requests

The Company announced a new policy for handling requests for corporate information, including questions by security analysts and investors. Effective immediately, all requests must be submitted in writing. Requests can be mailed to: Credit Acceptance, Attention: Investor Relations, 25505 West Twelve Mile Road, Suite 3000, Southfield, MI 48034, or sent by email to

Written responses will be posted on the investor relations section of our corporate website at and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 8-K.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Information

Certain statements in this release that are not historical facts, such as those using terms like "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "assumptions," "forecasts," "estimates" and those regarding the Company's future plans and objectives, are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. These forward-looking statements represent the Company's outlook only as of the date of this release. While the Company believes that its forward-looking statements are reasonable, actual results could differ materially since the statements are based on current expectations, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors that might cause such a difference include the following:

    --  the Company's potential inability to accurately forecast and
        estimate the amount and timing of future collections,

    --  increased competition from traditional financing sources and
        from non-traditional lenders,

    --  the unavailability of funding at competitive rates of

    --  the Company's potential inability to continue to obtain third
        party financing on favorable terms,

    --  the Company's potential inability to generate sufficient cash
        flow to service its debt and fund its future operations,

    --  adverse changes in applicable laws and regulations,

    --  adverse changes in economic conditions,

    --  adverse changes in the automobile or finance industries or in
        the non-prime consumer finance market,

    --  the Company's potential inability to maintain or increase the
        volume of automobile loans,

    --  an increase in the amount or severity of litigation against
        the Company,

    --  the loss of key management personnel,

    --  the effect of terrorist attacks and potential attacks, and

    --  various other factors discussed in the Company's reports filed
        with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Other factors not currently anticipated by management may also materially and adversely affect the Company's results of operations. The Company does not undertake, and expressly disclaims any obligation, to update or alter its statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

Description of Credit Acceptance Corporation

Since 1972, Credit Acceptance has provided auto loans to consumers, regardless of their credit history. Our product is offered through a nationwide network of automobile dealers who benefit by selling vehicles to consumers who otherwise could not obtain financing, by repeat and referral sales generated by these same customers, and from sales to customers responding to advertisements for our product, but who actually end up qualifying for traditional financing.

Without our product, consumers are often unable to purchase a vehicle or they purchase an unreliable one and are not provided the opportunity to improve their credit standing. As we report to the three national credit reporting agencies, a significant number of our customers improve their lives by improving their credit score and move on to more traditional sources of financing. Credit Acceptance is publicly traded on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol CACC. For more information, visit


                    Consolidated Income Statements

(Dollars in thousands,   Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
 except per share data)       June 30,                June 30,
                       ----------------------- -----------------------
                          2004        2003        2004        2003
                       ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

 Finance charges           $33,731     $26,431     $60,964     $50,687
 Ancillary product
  income                     2,459       4,233       5,326       9,966
 Lease revenue                 405       1,784       1,052       4,120
 Other income                4,694       3,598       9,468       8,258
                       ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
  Total revenue             41,289      36,046      76,810      73,031
                       ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Costs and expenses:
 Salaries and wages          8,963       8,687      17,759      17,204
 General and
  administrative             5,214       5,272      10,968      10,812
 Provision for credit
  losses                     2,187       2,863      14,734       7,051
 Sales and marketing         2,474       2,483       5,017       4,660
 Interest                    2,373       1,401       4,973       2,997
  compensation expense         864       1,428       1,431       1,803
 United Kingdom asset
  impairment                     -      10,493           -      10,493
 Other expense                 324       1,376         781       3,023
                       ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
   Total costs and
    expenses                22,399      34,003      55,663      58,043
                       ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Operating income            18,890       2,043      21,147      14,988
 Foreign exchange gain         906          14       1,057          29
                       ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Income before provision
 for income taxes           19,796       2,057      22,204      15,017
 Provision for income
  taxes                      7,190       1,049       8,068       5,416
                       ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Net income                 $12,606      $1,008     $14,136      $9,601
                       =========== =========== =========== ===========
Net income per common
  Basic                      $0.32       $0.02       $0.36       $0.23
                       =========== =========== =========== ===========
  Diluted                    $0.30       $0.02       $0.34       $0.23
                       =========== =========== =========== ===========
Weighted average shares
  Basic                 39,240,321  42,321,170  39,516,011  42,317,443
  Diluted               41,413,308  42,868,265  41,790,255  42,629,844


                      Consolidated Balance Sheets

(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)          As of
                                               June 30,   December 31,
                                                 2004         2003
                                              ----------- ------------
Cash and cash equivalents                        $28,364      $36,044

Loans receivable                                 976,315      875,417
Allowance for credit losses                      (36,567)     (17,615)
                                              ----------- ------------
  Loans receivable, net                          939,748      857,802
                                              ----------- ------------

Notes, lines of credit and floorplan
 receivables, net (including $1,617 and $1,583
 from affiliates as of June 30, 2004 and
 December 31, 2003, respectively)                  6,073        6,562
Investment in operating leases, net                1,888        4,447
Property and equipment, net                       19,177       18,503
Income taxes receivable                            7,458        5,795
Other assets                                      14,646       14,627
                                              ----------- ------------
  Total Assets                                $1,017,354     $943,780
                                              =========== ============

 Lines of credit                                 $30,600           $-
 Secured financing                               130,428      100,000
 Mortgage note and capital lease obligations      10,254        6,467
 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities         36,481       33,117
 Dealer holdbacks, net                           475,415      423,861
 Deferred income taxes, net                       13,820       24,529
                                              ----------- ------------
  Total Liabilities                              696,998      587,974
                                              ----------- ------------

Shareholders' Equity:
 Preferred stock, $ .01 par value, 1,000,000
  shares authorized, none issued                       -            -
 Common stock, $ .01 par value, 80,000,000
  shares authorized, 39,244,203 and
  42,128,087 shares issued and outstanding
  as of June 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003,
  respectively                                       392          421
 Paid-in capital                                  76,394      125,078
 Retained earnings                               241,175      227,039
 Accumulated other comprehensive income -
  cumulative translation adjustment                2,395        3,268
                                              ----------- ------------
  Total Shareholders' Equity                     320,356      355,806
                                              ----------- ------------
  Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity  $1,017,354     $943,780
                                              =========== ============

SOURCE: Credit Acceptance Corporation

Credit Acceptance Corporation, Southfield
Douglas W. Busk, 248-353-2700 Ext. 432
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